6 Best Answers To Technical Interview Questions You Don’t Know

Last Updated on January 26, 2024 by Ketan

You might be well-prepared for the job interview. 

But there are always technical interview questions that you don’t know how to answer or how to explain to your interviewer.  

Maybe it’s the first time you hear something or haven’t got a chance to work in such an area.  

Whatever it is, this is not a time to ‘fake it until you make it’. 

It’s a job interview, and your potential employer wants you to be honest with them.

Even when you don’t know the answer to give, it’s good to admit it. 

What’s more important is how you deal with this situation and not how you answer that. 


How To Answer Technical Interview Questions You Don’t Know?

If technical questions often leave you clueless during the interview, it’s time to be prepared for it. 

You can work on such skills, take on some experience, and get updates on the same. 

Well, you can do that all. 

How To Answer Technical Interview Questions You Don't Know

But, if it still happens, handle such a question confidently so that impresses your interviewer.

This way they won’t judge you but be happy that you are honest about it. 

For a better idea, here we are sharing some example answers you can give when you don’t know how to answer such a technical question at an interview. 

1. “I might have no experience of this, but I’m confident that I can handle it well.”

You admit that this is something new to you. 

But you also are confident that you could learn it over time. 

If you have more chances to work on such concepts or theories, you assure them that you can improve. 

Give this answer as a fresher to show you’re ready to learn. 

2. “I’ve no idea about this topic. So, I’ve nothing to say about it.” 

It’s okay if you don’t have a perfect answer for every question in an interview. 

Sometimes admitting that you’re unaware of something is better than just trying to trick your interviewer. 

If you’re in search of a new job as a fresher, you can give this honest answer. 

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3. “I’m aware of this topic. But I have not done any work on this part, so I can’t say so precisely.” 

You might have some sort of idea about this topic, the interviewer asked you about. 

But before you share anything, you just have to admit that you do not have a perfect answer for it. 

As you haven’t got a chance to experience such topic or work. 

Or, you’ve no practical experience with something. 

4. “I don’t have a perfect answer to share. But, I have some sort of idea regarding this.”

When you don’t have any answers to some technical question, just admit what you know. 

You don’t have to make up stories or concepts just to say something. 

Simply, you could say ‘I don’t know’ formally.

But don’t just give up, if you have some related strategy or close concept to share, you can discuss it. 

5. “In my present job, we follow a different approach. And that’s why I want to change my job to explore more in this industry.”

You’re in a dynamic industry where strategies change as per the company’s perspective.

So, obviously, you’ve no idea of the strategies that other companies are following.

You might be aware of the possible strategies, but you don’t get a chance to work on them at your present job. 

This answer also serves as a reason explaining why you want to change your existing job.

It proves you’re looking to advance your skills and experiences. 

6. “Even though I’ve no experience with such a framework, I can learn and adapt to it in the short term.”

So, first, you will admit that what they ask, you have no right answer for it. 

But as it’s an important part of the job, you assure that you can work in this area. 

This answer expresses your desire to improve your knowledge and experience. 

You show your willingness to learn something new and justify your role. 

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When You Don’t Have Answers To Interview Question

You might spend significant time and check all resources to prepare well for the interview. 

But there would be some technical interview questions that you’ve no answers to provide. 

It’s an uncomfortable situation. 

how to answer interview question you don't know

Because you’ve been doing all good, but now feel stuck at this one question. 

Your inability to answer it will change your impression entirely. 

But, even worse could happen, if you decide to look perfect and just say anything.  

Indeed, faking it makes things in your favor. 

To prevent that you could honestly say that you’ve no answer to it. 

Better say something clearly without sounding like an excuse or covering up. 

Sometimes, the interviewer asks such a technical question just to check how you handle such a pressure situation. 

So if you know how to handle it right, that’s not a problem for you

Fine, if you have no answers to reply with. 

But if you can positively deal with such technical questions you don’t know, you earn the respect of the interviewer due to your honesty and confidence.  


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