16 Better Replies To “We Should Talk More”

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Ketan

Mostly in growing connection, you hear “We should talk more”. 

This guy or girl has enjoyed a small talk with you. 

Now, they want to talk or chat with you more often. 

Possibly, they are impressed with your conversation skills or they want to hear more from you. 

Whatsoever, this post will help you with the funny and flirty ways to respond to someone’s expression of having more conversation than one.


How To Reply To “We Should Talk More”?

When someone expresses that they want to chat or talk more with you, this means they find you interesting. 

They enjoy spending time with you. And, just talking with you anything. 

Because you’re funny or nice, they find it’s fun to be with you. 

Well, depending on how you feel about them in return you can choose what to say after that. 

To help you out, here are interesting responses to give when someone says “We should talk more”.

How To Reply To We Should Talk More

1. “Just hit me up, anytime when you are ready to talk.” 

Such a friendly response that expresses that you are ready to converse when they are free. 

The phrase ‘Hit me up’ is to make them feel at ease to start a chat with you. 

2. “I think that would be perfect if we chat at this set time.” 

This is a developing connection and you start chatting at a particular time. 

So you suggest to them that this is the right time for you to chat with them. 

3. “So far, I also enjoyed a chat with you. I’m ready for more.”

This is an honest reaction that expresses that you also find chatting with them enjoyable. 

You share that you also have so much to talk about with them. 

4. “Then, let’s decide when would be the right time to chat.” 

An engaging response to set the time to chat regularly. 

Because you both are equally interested in having some conversation every day. 

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5. “I’m ready to talk with you anytime, you say.” 

This is a sweet reply to give your crush that you don’t mind talking with her anytime.

No matter when you are so ready to talk with him or her.

6. “Honestly, I, too love to talk with you. But felt hesitant to say it.” 

You can share this flirty reply to a girl who says ‘We should talk more’. 

As she opens up, you also be honest that you enjoy talking more with her. 

Flirty Response To We Should Talk More

7. “Let me know which time works best for you.’ 

This is a formal reply to decide the time availability to have a conversation.

When discussing an urgent matter or important discussion, you need to clarify the available time that works for you both. 

8. “Sure, I like to know more about you as well.” 

With this reply, you reciprocate the same interest in having more conversation. 

9. “I’m ready as you are ready.”

This is a simple but good response to show your interest in talking more with them. 

10. “Well, I’m more interested in talking in person than over chat.”

Maybe this guy or girl expresses their interest in talking more. 

But you here clarify that you feel more comfortable while talking in person over texting. 

11. “So tell me, are you available to talk this weekend?” 

When a girl says ‘We should talk more’, it gives you the confidence to ask her out

This is fine, because, like her, you also want to have some conversation with her. 

You are up to making this connection work. 

12. “Why not? Let’s have more talk and more fun together.”

Such a funny response to express that you both are interested in chatting. 

You can share this response with your new friend. 

Because you both are having so much fun in the early conversation. 

Funny Response To We Should Talk More

13. “I’m all yours, just let me know when you are free for a date.” 

This response you can give to your match on a dating site. 

You don’t want to keep it to the online chat only, so you ask if she is ready for the date.

14. “That’s what I was thinking. Let’s meet up, what do you say?” 

So you both are on the same page with the same feeling and thinking. 

Here you directly approach them to meet up in person.

Being together and having more talks gives you a chance to know each other better. 

15. “Sure, I love to talk with like-minded people. And you’re the one.” 

A sweet response to express that you also feel a connection with them. 

You both make them feel each other heard. 

And that’s what makes your connection meaningful also fun. 

16. “Of course, that’s necessary to grow our connection.” 

You both are very clear that you need to take your connection further. 

And having more talk and meaningful conversation is all the need here. 

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When Someone Says “We Should Talk More”

Of course, you feel positive when you hear someone expressing their interest to chat with you. 

This phrase means the person loves talking with you about anything as well as they’re interested in knowing more about you.

This feels special when it’s from your crush. Not just friends. 

For the genuine desire to have more conversations with you, you should also reciprocate the same excitement, as well. 

That’s not a must. But, it’s advisable. 

Your responses to ‘We should talk more’ show the same level of interest and excitement. 

Having the common interest and willingness to chat more, further lets you make your connection deeper and more meaningful. 

And it’s a growing connection. So you get closure to each other, as well. 


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