12 Best Answers To “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated?” At Interview

Last Updated on February 8, 2024 by Ketan

Companies are looking for candidates who know how to stay updated in their field.   

And, that makes ‘How do you keep yourself updated?’ an important interview question. 

As a job seeker, you should be ready to what to answer it. 

With this question, the interviewer tests your adaptability to new technology and checks how updated you are. 

To help you out, in this article, we are sharing the best examples to structure your answers. 


How To Answer To “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated” – Interview Question?

As every industry is being updated with the latest technology and new ways of doing work, you better stay updated in your field. 

That’s the only way to survive in the market. 

You might have all the great knowledge of technology. 

But you also need to be aware of the latest updates and adopt the new trends. 

Well, there are many ways to handle this question. 

But, to make a better impression in an interview, here we are sharing the best ways to answer ‘How do you stay updated?’ question.

How To Answer To How Do You Keep Yourself Updated Interview Question

1. “Well, I think it is my passion and curiosity that keeps me motivated to update my knowledge.” 

You know that it’s your passion. 

And, you’re naturally curious about your work.

So, it’s your genuine interest that makes you look out for anything new in this field. 

2. “I get all industry updates from the top tech channels and news.”

Depending on your industry, you can name the top channel or shows you’re following. 

Mention top resources that keep you updated about the latest news or anything that happens in your industry. 

Maybe you follow them on social media or subscribe to their YouTube channel. 

But you know whom to follow to stay updated in this field. 

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4. “I’ve subscribed to some top industry blogs and I get newsletters related to any new updates.”

You know in your field you have to keep learning. 

To keep up to date with your knowledge and practices, you follow some big tech websites and blogs that provide you with timely updates. 

Answer To How do you keep yourself updated with the current technology

5. “I’m part of some online communities of experts in this field.”

There are online groups and communities related to every industry. 

And, you’re part of such communities who exchange ideas, updates, and knowledge about your industry. 

6. “I enjoy learning about this field. And, I also do some experiments to test my knowledge.” 

You’re practicing and experimenting with what you learn. 

So you don’t just stop there at knowing something. 

But you also keep applying that knowledge. 

This further gives you a better sense of which things work and which don’t. 

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7. “I have a mentor who helps me to stay up to date.” 

Well, your mentor could be your past employer or boss. 

It doesn’t have to be a high-profile mentor in the area. 

But this shows you have someone to look up to when you need help. 

8. “I mostly get updates from my connections who are experts and very experienced in this work.”

They could be your present or past colleagues as well as your old work connections. 

But you’ve people from your field who support you and you learn a lot from them. 

Good Answer To How Do You Keep Yourself Up To Date

9. “I refer to some resources to check what’s new in this field, it’s my routine now. 

You dictate time out of your routine to gather the updates in your industry. 

Maybe that’s what you do after work or maybe on the way to work in the morning.

But you spend time learning and keeping yourself updated. 

10. “I listen to the best podcasts in this industry while driving to work every morning.”

Further, you can say that this allows you to stay more focused on your work. 

Make it a meaningful answer by mentioning the top podcast that everyone in your field should start to listen to. 

This leaves a good impression on the interviewer as you reach the work with the right mindset.  

11. “Well, I take some courses on the subject and keep myself up to date.”

On weekends or mean time, you don’t waste your time on anything.

Instead, you invest in some courses that equip you with the extra knowledge in the industry.

This is a good answer that shows you know how to invest your time and money in.

12. “I attend tech events and conferences where I learn a lot about this industry.”

This could be online and offline events that you attend. 

Further, this helps you to grow your connections as well as your knowledge of this field. 

So, you use your time outside work in the professional meetup and community.

And, that is a good thing. 

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Why Do Interviewers Ask “How Do You Keep Yourself Updated”? 

Well, this question is to check your ability to stay updated in this fast-growing industry. 

But that’s not the only reason. 

This question also reveals if you are passionate about this field or not. 

Why Do Interviewers Ask How Do You Keep Yourself Updated

Those who are so into this work or field, keep improving their knowledge and stay up to date with anything new in this work. 

And that comes naturally without having to remind them to update themselves. 

Companies want employees who are good at technology, but also driven. 

So that they can learn all by themselves and get things done without any help. 

Especially, when you’re working in the field where things change too fast, you must know how to answer “How do you keep yourself updated?’ question in a job interview. 

It’s not only about staying up to date, but to apply that knowledge by yourself. 


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