15 Better Replies To “On My Way” Text

Last Updated on February 6, 2024 by Ketan

Someone is on the way to your home or it’s a plan to meet at some place. 

To check where this person reached now, you message them. 

And, they update you “I’m on my way” via text. 

Mostly, you can respond with ‘Okay, I’m waiting.’ to it. Or just a ‘thumb up’ emoji will do. 

But, there are some interesting replies that make the best options, too. 

Whether you’re waiting for them excitedly or impatiently, here we are going to share the possible ways to respond to ‘On my way’ text. 


How To Respond To “On My Way” Text? 

You are meeting with someone at some place at a particular time.

It takes them time to get there and you text them and they inform you that they are on the way. 

Normally in your response, you express your excitement to meet them.

If this gathering takes place at your home, make your responses welcoming.  

And there are cases where someone is so late that it makes you mad at them.

How To Respond To On My Way Text

Here you want to give them sarcastic or funny responses to “On my way” text for being late. 

Well, you’ve no idea if this person lost their way or what but it takes too long to get to this place or your home. 

Every situation is different, and so is the way you respond to it. 

Well, if you need some examples and the best ways to respond to “I’m on my way” from someone, take a look at these: 

1. “And, I’m here waiting for you.” 

You are already at your meeting place and came early. 

When they text you ‘I’m on my way, in your reply inform them that you’re waiting for them. 

This is a normal response that works for any connection. 

2. “Don’t rush, drive safely. I can wait here.” 

You care about this person. 

There’s nothing urgent, so you want them to drive safely there. 

This response also shows that you don’t have a problem waiting for them. 

And, you just want them to drive carefully. 

3. “I am here already just as our plan.” 

You reach there early but this person is late for some reason.

When they text you “on my way there’ you share this clever response. 

It shows that you’re upset at them for not being there on time. 

You wish them here with you on time. 

4. “Let’s see who is the first one to be there.”

You and your friend are about to meet at some place.

Both are on their way to that place and to make it even more interesting, you can reply this way.

Well, this is also a playful response to the ‘On my way’ text from your date.

It will just add a little excitement to your meeting.

5. “I can’t wait to see you after a long time.” 

Maybe your parents are visiting your place or your kids are returning home after a long vacation.

Or, it’s a text from your long-distance partner telling you they are on the way home. 

This reply expresses that you’re excitedly waiting for someone at home. 

Welcoming Reply To On My Way Text

6. “If you have any difficulties being here, I’ve direction for you.”

This person is coming to your place for the first time. 

You believe that they might have some trouble finding the route to your home.

So you offer them help to find a better road. 

7. “You’ve been on the way for the last two hours. Where are you, exactly?”

To be there it doesn’t take this time. But this person is taking it. 

Here, you don’t believe them that they are still on the way. 

So you ask them where they are right now. 

8. “Please don’t tell me that you didn’t even leave your home yet.” 

Some friends do that and it’s no secret.

Maybe you, too do it before that you tell someone that ‘On my way’. 

But you are still in your home. 

Well because you did it, you can assume that someone is doing the same to you. 

9. “Yeah, we have prepared the red carpet for you. Please come.” 

This sarcastic response is for someone who always comes late. 

Your friend or sibling never makes it anywhere on time, share this response when they message you ‘I’m on my way’. 

They will know that you’re taunting their habit. 

Sarcastic Response To On My Way Text

10. “Still on the way? What are you doing?” 

The place is even close to their home but they didn’t make it on time. 

While you’re already there. 

So you want to know and ask them what they are doing

This funny reply means to say they must be busy with something other than driving. 

11. “Yes, I’m on my way, too.” 

Share this response with someone you’re going to meet at the same place. 

But you’re both coming from a different place so it may be a different time to get there. 

To your colleagues, friends, or relatives, you reply this way to inform them that you’re also on your way there. 

12. “And, I’m darn sure that I will be there before you.” 

You know this person that they are the one who always comes last.

No idea why they do this, but they do it like every time. 

So, you give this funny response when he or she texts you ‘I’m on my way’. 

Funny reply to On My Way text

13. “When you reach there, please let me know.” 

You share this reply with someone you care a lot for.  

So, you tell them to call when they reach home or at some place. 

But, this is also a clever response to ‘on my way’ in another case. 

You inform someone to call or text you when they get there.

Because they always come late and right now you’re not in a mood to wait. 

14. “So, you want to stand me up, don’t you?” 

You say this because they did it before. Or, maybe you feel that already. 

This person makes you wait for hours.

So you want to make it clear that they are on the way. 

With this reply, you ask them if they are coming there or not. 

15. “And, I think you are on the wrong way.”

Because if they have been on the right track, the should at your place for now.

While here its taking them too long.

So it’s certain that they are in the wrong way or took the long route.

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What Does It Mean When Someone Says “I’m On My Way”?

Over call or in text, when someone says they are on their way, it means they are close to the place where you will meet.  

If you get this message from your family member or relatives, it means they are on their way home. 

And when someone is going somewhere like the workplace, the text ‘On my way’ means, they almost reached there. 

What Does It Mean When Someone Says I’m On My Way

Whether you’re waiting for someone and text them to get an update, in response express your excitement or frustration at them. 

When you’re excited about this meeting, and can’t wait to be together. 

When this person takes a long time and it is their habit to come late, your frustration has a reason.  

And, some friends are even worse, telling you that they are on the way. 

But they haven’t left their home yet. 

Whatever the situation is, you want to reply to “On my way” text considering your mood and connection with that person. 

Make sure it won’t spoil anyone’s mood for the meeting. 


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