15 Formal Ways To Say “Thank You For Getting Back To Me”

  • February 16, 2024

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Ketan

To your formal connection, who respond you on time, it’s good practice to say “Thank you for getting back to me” to their ‘Update’ via mail.

This way you appreciate your professional connection, for updating you with prompt response. 

It is indeed a polite way to acknowledge the email receipt.

But more than that, it helps in maintaining a good professional relationship. 

Well, there are more ways to appreciate someone for their feedback or response in a timely manner.  

And, that’s what we are going to discuss in this post.


How To Say “Thank You For Getting Back To Me” Formally?

Your prospect didn’t make you follow them. 

They provided you with an update, as they promised or even before the time.   

How To Say Thank You For Getting Back To Me Professionally

It doesn’t matter if you get a deal or not, but as they get back to you and share their thoughts on your proposal, you should appreciate them.  

Such a formal gesture takes no time. But it is worth leaving a positive impression. 

Whether you are replying to ‘a feedback mail’ from your prospects or existing clients, you want to be polite and formal to appreciate them for contacting you again on time. 

If you are looking for formal ways to say “Thank you for getting back to me”, here are the ones to express you’re thankful for their update. 

1. “Thank you for letting me know about this on time.” 

After asking for some information or their feedback, you get a response in a short time. 

This phrase is simple but works well in your formal mail. 

2. “I genuinely appreciate your timely response. Thanks for that.” 

Your client or prospect provide feedback or information as you requested. 

This is a polite response to show that you appreciate that they get back with you in less time. 

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3. “I’m glad that you took your time and updated me about it.”

To get time out of their busy work schedule, you like to appreciate your prospect. 

They get back to you on time and their feedback helps you in many ways. 

4. “I appreciate that you get back with me as you said.” 

Having a client who keeps their promise is a good thing. 

You’re grateful that this client didn’t make you follow them now and then. 

But they update you about something as they said that ‘I will update’. 

How to say thank you for getting back with me formally

5. “Thank you for being so quick with your response.”

You normally don’t get such a quick response from your client or customer. 

But when you get from someone, appreciate that you’re glad that they update you promptly. 

6. “I’m thankful that you took time out of your busy hours and shared this update.” 

To clients who have been too busy to give you an update on something, share this response. 

You finally get their feedback and you express it’s good to hear from them.

This is a formal way to show that you’re glad that they get back to you and keep their professional commitment.  

7. “Your prompt response is truly appreciated, thank you so much.” 

To solve your client’s query, you requested some information. 

Because of their quick response, you can work on their case so effectively.  

8. “Thank you for getting in touch again with your feedback. I appreciate that.”

Well, this client might have made you wait for some time. 

But finally, you receive an update from them. 

So, you can use this polite phrase to thank them for getting back with you. 

Polite way to say thanks for getting back to me

9. “It’s good to hear from you again, Sir”

Your client took their time and finally let you know what they needed. 

To thank them for getting back to you with an update quickly, you can use this formal phrase.   

10. “Thank you, Sir, for your prompt response on this matter.” 

You told your client to update about their decision in a short time. 

Whether it’s a positive or not, you appreciate that they decided given the time frame. 

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11. “I must say you made a great decision in a very short time.” 

This prospect shared their decision with you in less time.

And it’s positive feedback, so that’s good for you.

For giving you an update so fast (and positively) this client deserves special attention. 

12. “I agree with your point. Thanks for keeping me waiting.”

This update you get regarding your last interview. 

Whatever the interview result is, you let them know that you appreciate that they provided you an update as they said.

From mail from an interviewer or recruiter, use this phrase to say ‘Thanks for getting back with me an update”. 

Thanks For Getting Back To Me In Mail

13. “Thank you for taking your time and giving me your views on this.” 

Your customer or client has shared some suggestions or feedback for you. 

While replying to their mail, tell them that you acknowledge the receipt of their mail

As well as you express your respect for their feedback and time. 

14. “I’m glad that you sent an update on time. I will get back to you shortly after discussing this with our management.” 

Your client has made a counteroffer on your proposal. 

Because they have shared responses so quickly or there’s enough time, you can tell them that you can do something about it. 

But for now, you can tell them that you appreciate that they get back to you promptly.

And you will also try to get back to them as soon as you can.

Other ways to say thank you for getting back to me so quickly

15. “I wish most clients are like you and provide feedback as promised.” 

When you have a good connection with your prospect, you can use this phrase. 

It personally expresses your appreciation towards a client who gets back to you so quickly. 

They kept their promise and you respect them for valuing your time. 

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What Does “Thanks For Getting Back To Me” Mean In Mail?

Well, in business correspondence, the phrase “Thank you for getting back to me” means you appreciate and respect someone for replying to your previous mail in time. 

It could be related to a business proposal, an update on a service request, customer feedback, or also interview status.

When someone shares an update on time or even earlier than expected, the phrase “Thanks for getting back to me” expresses your thankfulness towards them. 

It’s not something that you must say, but good if you say it. 

What Does Thanks For Getting Back To Me Mean In Mail

Some people find it ‘too nice’ to say’ in a formal connection. 

They believe when you express that you’re grateful to get an update on time, it means you didn’t expect to hear from them ever again. 

If you sense that your client may take this way, you can avoid saying it. 

But in case you’re developing a connection with your prospects, this is important. 

Well, this is a small gesture to show that you’re glad that you get to hear from your client on time. 

Whether it’s related to closing the deal or updating you about your follow-up, saying “Thank you for getting back to me” in the mail makes your client feel respected. 

They feel that you value their time and acknowledge their timely update. 

If you further do business with them, you can expect a prompt response from them onwards. 

So, there’s nothing wrong with saying “Thanks for getting back to me” in the mail from your formal connection, it helps to have a better work connection.   


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