9 Better Replies To “Thanks For The Update”

  • February 29, 2024

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Ketan

When you provide some information, opinions, or recommendations, someone may revert to you, saying “Thanks for the update” over the mail. 

In most cases, this is a confirmation that they have received your mail. 

So, you generally need nothing to reply to it.

For some cases, you can just say ‘noted’ and that’s enough.

If you wish to make it professional or if there’s a response required, you can reply in such ways.


How To Reply To “Thanks For The Update” Email?

Your boss may acknowledge receiving the work report you shared.

Or a client is updating you that they got your offer or the solution they requested. 

Whether someone is thanking you for updating them, this is what you can reply to. 

How To Reply To Thanks For The Update

1. “Glad we can complete this project in time.”

It is your boss updating you on the completion of the project you’ve been working along. 

With this response, you tell your boss that you’re happy everything is done as expected.  

2. “Now, you can start working on it.”

The employee acknowledges that he has received the project guidelines and instructions. 

Now, you want them to begin working on it ASAP. 

Because this employee is known to miss deadlines or respond to emails very late.

So, you have to remind it sometimes. 

3. “No problem, I’m here to help. Feel free to reach out to me again.”

It’s your client who thanks you for updating them on the details of the project. 

You are being professional here and showing that you are just doing your job to provide or fix something for them.  

4. “Let me know if you need further help or any assistance.”

This is for your client, who seems happy that you delivered something on time. 

Being in a customer department, you must promptly reply to every message or mail, even a ‘Thanks for an update’ response.

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5. “Please confirm the status. From our end, everything looks fine.” 

This is regarding the issue faced by the client.

As your tech department fixed it already. 

On updating your client, they say thanks, obviously. 

But, before you close the case, you need to double-check that the client is satisfied with the solutions provided.

6. “Thanks for the confirmation; looking forward to working with you.” 

It’s part of the following process with the client. 

They may excuse for not having time to respond to your previous emails. 

Here, you’re expressing your excitement about working with them and hope they respond quickly to your proposals. 

7. “Great. Please share the day you’re available for the next interview.”

As an HR manager, you are responding to the candidate who has cleared the first interview. 

Here, you’re asking when the candidate is available for the next interview. 

So that, you can schedule it.

8. “Next, please be available with your documents for the hiring procedures.”

Candidates who are finally selected for a job were notified via email. 

The candidates thank you for providing them with updates. 

Now, you inform them to be ready ASAP for the final process to complete the hiring process. 

9. “Sorry for the delay and thank you for being patient.”

You’re handling a customer’s queries and the process is taking a long than normal.

If a customer has been patient throughout the process, they deserve appreciation.

In response to their update message, be professional and respectful while replying.

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When Someone Thanks For The Update

When a client or boss says ‘Thank you for the update”, it’s part of the formal communication to stay professional and respond properly.

If you want to say something, you could respond in the way shown above. 

When Boss Or Client Says Thanks For The Update

Sometimes it’s also fine, if you don’t respond, because they acknowledge that they got your message or mail. 

Look for the situation, if there’s something to say or inform them you can reply else the conversation ends here until you get to hear from them next.  


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