9 Funny Answers To “How Do You Know?”

Last Updated on January 19, 2024 by Ketan

When someone asks “How do you know?” about something (or someone), they are keen to know the backstory.

This question indeed shows their excitement for the subject. 

But it also feels like they doubt your information, understanding, or experience. 

Some people say it in the exact sense.

Whether this is something you don’t want to share or can’t explain, it would be good if you know how to handle such a critical question.  


What To Answer To “How Do You Know”?

If you share some vital information, facts or express your firm opinion on something, there’s always one, you have to convince. 

And, they’ve to ask how you know about it or your source of information. 

At first, it seems like they want to know it in detail. 

But no, it’s just their nature to doubt everything you say to them. 

If this question insults you and undermines your experience or knowledge, here are the best answers when someone asks ‘How do you know?’.

What To Answer To How Do You Know

1. “Common sense, my friend! But you won’t understand that.”

This is a simple thing and needs no more explanation. 

But as this person wants to know everything, tell them it’s part of logical thinking. 

That’s why it would be hard for them to understand. 

2. “Do you really want to know?”

‘Or do you ask it just to pass the time?’

You’re not sure if this person is genuinely interested in this subject or just trying to waste your time.

This a sarcastic response for the doubters. 

3. “Lots of practice, patience, and importantly willingness to learn something.” 

Give a simple and clearer answer like this. 

As they challenge you to share the information source. 

With this answer, you tell them you are confident about the information you share. 

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4. “I know because I must know about it.” 

When someone questions your information, tell them you should know because that’s part of your daily routine.

This is your job, your industry, your field.  

So, you need to be updated with everything. 

5. “Honestly, even I know about it for the first time.” 

You’re not sure about what you just said. 

It came to your mind for the first time. 

Whether you know it or not, this is your way to skip explaining why and how you know about what you know. 

6. “Do you ever ask where this food comes from? You just eat, right?”

To that annoying person who always has to question everything.

So, you better share this sarcastic answer to calm them down

You don’t want to do this. 

But it’s better to keep some secret than reveal everything to everyone. 

7. “It automatically comes to my mind and I don’t have to do anything.” 

Maybe you’re a deep thinker now. Or, you’re just teasing this person with a joke. 

Share this funny answer to avoid wasting time explaining them. 

Because this something is beyond their level of thinking.  

When someone asks How did you know

8. “We both learned this at school. I got it, you were busy with something else.” 

Maybe your friend was eating his meal or focused on outside of the class, while the teacher was sharing something important. 

It could be related to class homework or some school news.

Your reply shows they’re careless.

So they don’t know what you know. 

9. “But, why do you always have to know, how do I know what I know?” 

Clearly, they are suspicious of your knowledge or information. 

And because you’re so sure about it, this hurts your confidence.

But if they do every time, you say it clearly. 

This time, you really want to know what their intentions are.

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That someone who asks ‘How do you know?’, they might have some confusion with it. 

They’re curious or just need confirmation before accepting that. 

Because you know something based on your logical thinking, experience, or extensive learning, this question challenges you. 

But before responding, you must know if this person really wants to know or if they just doubt you. 

Help them out, if they really want to know. 

But if they just create doubts, give them sarcastic or funny answers by asking ‘How do you know?’. 

Because you don’t know how to explain to them, (Or, you don’t want to explain). 


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