(18 Best Replies) When Boss Says ‘Good Job’

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Ketan

Most employees complain that their bosses never appreciate their work. 

But your boss isn’t like that.

So when your boss says ‘Good job’ to you on doing your best work, you must acknowledge it right.  

If you want your boss to keep appreciating you, you should know how to respond to ‘great job’ both professionally and respectfully.

Well, ‘Thank you, boss’ may not always be enough… express how it makes you feel valued.

Further, in this article, we’ll be sharing effective replies to small appreciation from your boss or manager.

In this way, you can strengthen your professional connection.


How To Reply When Boss Says ‘Good Job’?

It is certainly encouraging to receive a ‘you did a great job’ compliment at work. 

The problem is that sometimes you don’t respond right or don’t seem to be excited while getting such appreciation.

And, this will cause your boss to stop appreciating you for good work in the future.

Your boss might think that you don’t deserve recognition or that you’re uncomfortable in the workplace.

To avoid this, here are the best replies to ‘good job’ which sound more positive and appreciative.

How to Reply When Boss Says Good Job

1. “I just did what you suggested. I also appreciate your help.” 

When you are not sure how to respond or feel uncomfortable, you can reply with this better response to ‘great job’ from your boss. 

2. “Feeling so relaxed this project is done perfectly as we expected. Thanks.”

You should show your appreciation to your boss.

Also, you are happy that you completed the work on time, as per the set standards.

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3. “Without your help, I can’t make it so good. So, thanks to you.” 

There’s nothing wrong with replying back with a compliment.

Because your boss also did a great job, along with you.

3. “It was a tough call this time. But glad things went well for us.” 

You and your boss faced many challenges along the way.

But, you did such a great job together.

Now when your boss appreciates your work, you are happy everything is perfectly done.

5. “In this case, I also have to give credit to Alex for such an amazing plan.” 

Even though someone hasn’t worked the way you did.

But, mentioning the person whose direction helped you to do your best, is such a professional response to ‘good job’. 

6. “Well, it’s not only me but (the coworker’s name) who also supported me well.” 

Your boss will be even more impressed by such a response.

You could take all the credit yourself, but you let him know who contributed to such a great level of work. 

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7. “I really appreciate your encouragement and support so far.” 

This is actually your way to appreciate your boss for the great involvement he has done, to help you, and to assist you to do your job better. 

8. “I’m very happy that I played my role perfectly.” 

You are passionate about your work.

Now you’re even happier when your boss notices and appreciates it and says ‘good job’ done by you. 

Best Replies to great job from boss

9. “I feel encouraged to do more of such projects now.” 

That’s what your boss expects from compliments like ‘great job’.

Let the boss know how motivated you feel to work harder in so few appreciating words. 

10. “I want to give credit to you, but I am able to do it just because of you.”

You can’t ignore your boss’s efforts to direct you and provide the required support.

When your boss says ‘good job’, this response also gives credit back to him, too. 

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11. “Thank you so much for noticing my work.”

When you have a boss who never stops giving even small appreciation to you at work, you can respond this way. 

12. “With appreciation like this, I feel ready to take on more challenges.” 

Especially when you’re new to this job, you can reply this way.

You might not have been able to work at your best before or felt insecure, but now you’re more than happy to hear ‘good job’.

Well, if you’re joining a new company soon, have these good replies to ‘Welcome Aboard’ messages to your new boss, teammate, and coworkers at your new job.

13. “I think everyone on the team did great. I’m so motivated by them.” 

You can’t ignore giving credit to your coworkers and teammates.

After all, they give their time to help you do your best work and get it done in a short time.

14. “Thanks for appreciating. I learn everything just from you.” 

Want to boost your boss’s ego? 

Then you need to respond to ‘good job’ this way.

Your boss certainly is happy that you look up to him as a leader.

15. “It was challenging for me at first, but I’m glad things are great in the end.” 

Of course, you did great with this project.

You have to train yourself and challenge your limits.

But the best thing is you learn something so far.

16. “I worked hard to complete it. I’m glad you appreciate my efforts.”

Your boss noticed that you worked great, and you actually played your role best!

Show how much appreciation makes your day and why your boss should encourage you more often. 

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17. “Happy that I got a very supportive team to guide me on the go.”

When you replay this, your boss sees you as a team player.

You don’t forget how everyone in the team helps you to do such a ‘good job’. 

What To Say When Boss Says Good Job

18. “It’s the team environment and support system that make me do my best.” 

Certainly, this was a good job done by you. But, it’s not alone your dedication or passion, but the team environment too. 

Because you’re provided fair work conditions, you’re here thanking your boss.

This is such a professional response to ‘great job’ from a boss that supports teamwork in the workplace. 

To make them trust you, these are what to say instead of ‘I’ll do my best’ to your boss or superior.


Why ‘Thanks’ Isn’t Enough Response When Your Boss Says ‘Good Job’?

The purpose of sharing workplace appreciation is to motivate you to do your best work. 

You need them to stay focused and motivated for your work. 

Anytime when your manager or boss says ‘great job’ in person or via mail, be sure to respond to it respectfully. 

Because your boss takes the time to let you know about the great work you have done.

When Your Boss Says Good Job

In the same way, that appreciation motivates you to work harder, your boss is more than happy to continue to encourage you from then on.

More than that, if you know how to respond when your boss says a ‘Good job’ or similar appreciation, effectively and professionally, the professional connection improves.

The boss may start to see you as more than an employee, but also as part of the company.

Overall, a small word of appreciation from your boss has a great impact on your mindset to work harder. 

It enhances your skills and supports your career. Because your boss knows how to value you.


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