(9 Good Replies) When A Coworker Says “I Miss You”

Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Ketan

Perhaps you’re a popular teammate. So your coworkers miss you, when you are away from work.

Otherwise, they miss you, when they need you for important tasks. 

In a further case, possibly one of your male coworkers has a crush on you.

And so, your absence makes him feel unable to concentrate at work.

Based on such different scenarios, here are the best ways to respond the same. 


When A Coworker Says, They Miss You…

In general, we spend more time at work than at home. 

Due to the fact that we spend most of the day together, we develop a closer relationship with our colleagues than just on a professional level.

Hence, if you’ve moved to a new position, transferred to another department, or come back from vacation, your coworkers say that “(We all or,) I miss you a lot at work.” 

Here are a few good responses you could give, depending on the situation and the relationship between you and that colleague.

What To Say When A Coworker Says I Miss You

1. “Oh, is it? What is the reason behind that? ”

When your coworker(s) say that they missed you when you weren’t at the office, maybe they were involved in a fun activity, which you enjoy. 

It would have been more fun if you were there, and they probably missed you. 

In such cases, you can respond this way to know more.

2. “Yeah, I’m available now, tell me how can I help you?”

This reply will make your coworker feel relaxed. 

Let your coworker know that you are ready to help, as you’re available now. 

Plus, that’s the most common reason why coworkers might miss you.

You also let them know that the reason should be work-related and not personal. 

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3. “Sweet. As you can see, I’m back now.”

Well, you are too concerned with your work and straight away check your email after returning from vacation.

And in between when a coworker says ‘i miss you at work’, you can give such a normal reply.

4. “So, tell me, what happened here when I was not here.”

After returning to the office from a long break, your coworker informs you that they miss you.

Since it’s a lunch break, you want to keep the conversation going. 

This reply expresses your interest in gossip.

5. “Please don’t say that you cried while missing me.”

If you and your coworker are friends more than just colleagues, make your response friendly as well. 

You’re just responding lightly, to your coworker who missed you while you were away from work. 

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6. “During coffee time, huh?”

That’s the time when you both enjoy gossiping and talking about work. 

When you’re not at the office, your coworker would be alone on a coffee break.

Maybe that’s why they missed you so much at work.

7. “Don’t worry we will meet again on Monday, Bye.”

Before you leave, you wish a ‘Happy weekend’‘ to everyone on Friday.

And, that one young colleague says he’ll miss you in response to your greeting.

You, too just making it a friendly response or being flirty to tease him.

8. “I also miss you there. The other department is no fun.”

The bond you share with this coworker is simply amazing. 

When you’re transferred to another department and a coworker texts saying they miss you, tell them that you’re not enjoying working without them at the new location either.

This is a good response to a coworker who misses your company.

9. “I was also thinking about you. But, during free time.”

Well, you might already know that this coworker has a crush on you and that you have some interest in him as well. 

Instead of directly showing your interest, you reply as ‘same here’, when your male coworker says he misses you when you’re on vacation or away from the office for a short time. 

It’s not showing your full interest, and you still want to keep it professional.

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What Does It Mean When A Coworker Says, “I Miss You”?

Not every time it means that a coworker likes you secretly and is unable to work there without you.

You just know when this is the case.

When a coworker says they miss you

In most cases, your coworker(s) tell you that he misses you when you’re away from work during a long break, or transferred to another place. 

They miss you because working with you is really fun. 

They miss you because you’re an expert at something and they need you at some point. 

By saying that they miss you, your coworker is trying to convey that having you in the office makes a difference.

Also, they enjoy working beside you.

Sometimes, this is actually a good thing that your coworker knows when you’re not at work.


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