9 Funny Ways To Say NO To A Friend Asks For Money

  • February 19, 2024

Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by Ketan

You might be wise enough to avoid any money transactions in your friendship. 

However, there’s always that friend asking for money.

And, they do it in such a creative to emotional way. 

Whether their reason is valid or not, they just have to borrow money from friends. 

This is quite an awkward situation when you can’t say NO when a friend asks for money. 

If you give them money or not, this will change your friendship forever. 

There’s obviously the risk of losing their friend when you don’t give them money. 

Same if you give and if they don’t return on time, it could affect your trust in friendship. 


How To Say No When A Friend Asks For Money?

Generally, asking for money is an embarrassing thing to do. 

But when a friend asks you for money, it is also challenging to decide whether to give or not.  

If a friend often asks you for money, it means they’re using you for just money. 

They might not be interested in your friendship, but for your money, they call you a best friend

Being a supportive friend in need, you could give money to them. 

But who knows they might spend it on their lifestyle and stuff which they don’t actually need. 

How To Say No When A Friend Asks For Money

There are many risks involved in giving money to a friend. 

Of course, you want to help, but not with the money. 

When this friend doesn’t understand your situation, you should give them excuses for not giving money. 

To help you, here are some ways you can say no to a friend asking for money. 

1. “Bro, you can ask me for anything, other than money.” 

You don’t want to make them feel hopeless, you’re a helpful friend. 

But when it comes to money, you’re not that good friend, sorry. 

Admit that, And they have to accept that. 

2. “Even I need to borrow money, urgently. I was about to ask the same from you.” 

Some friends just spend all their income in the first week of the month. 

And then, they look up to friends like you to give them money. 

You know that’s what they do. 

They might need money for the branded stuff. Which you’re keeping money for your household. 

Use this excuse, if you can’t say no to your friend who is asking for money. 

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3. “Money is evil, Man. It spoils the good connection. And I won’t let that happen to our friendship.” 

You are very careful with how to maintain your connections. 

You really don’t want money to change your whole perspective about each other’s friendship. 

By telling the truth on the face, you show you value your connection.

More than money, YES.

4. “Sorry no monetary transaction with friends, that’s my policy.” 

When a friend asks you for money for the first time, and you give it, they ask for it every time. 

They never care to ask if you’re okay with it or not.

But when you make it clear to them that you have a boundary, they will never ask for it again. 

5. “Who told you that I’ve money? I got none.”  

Tell them you’re no different and more like them. 

You are also looking for money. 

Maybe this friend just wants to check, if you give them money. 

Then this clever comeback will make them stop it at that point. 

6. “Thanks for asking for it, It makes me feel good, though.”  

It’s the first time someone asked for your money. 

Generally, no one asks you for money because they know they’re not getting any. 

Let them call you cheap or whatnot, but this saves you a lot of money.

But if some friend still takes a chance, tell them that the answer is still the same, ‘NO’.

7. “What about the money I gave you last time?” 

It’s not the first time this friend is asking for money, they do it more often. 

You have learned your lesson now. 

That you’re not going to give them money anymore. 

So, better if you ask them ‘Do you have any idea, how much money you have borrowed from me so far?’ 

8. “I don’t mind giving you money. But, first when I have it.” 

This happens in most cases when you give money to friends and then they make you follow them to get it back. 

But, you’re using the same example here. 

Inform them that, you also could give them money, but right now you don’t have any. 

9. “I can’t give you money upfront, but I can give you ways to make money yourself.” 

This isn’t an excuse but the way you actually help a friend to earn money. 

You work hard to earn money, but this friend isn’t working and just asks for money. 

Refer them to a job, give them work in your business, suggest courses or anything that could earn them money. 

That’s what a good friend does. 

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When Your Friend Wants To Borrow Money From You

Well, like this friend asking for money without any hesitation, you should say no without any worries, too. 

But we all know that’s hard.

While asking for money, when a friend doesn’t give reasons for it. 

Same, you don’t have to give them any clarification as to why you’re not giving them your money. 

When friend wants to borrow money

Some friends get emotional or do not talk to you for weeks if they don’t get money from you.

Fine, if you don’t want to give, that’s your choice. 

If they break a friendship just because you don’t give them your money, believe it’s better to let this friend go.

As they keep you, just for your money. 

Whether you want to give them a clear reason or excuse, share it. 

Your money. Your choice. 

It might be uncomfortable to say no when a friend asks for money.

But it’s not a good idea that you give it anyway. 

And later you’ve to beg them to return it. 

This not only damages your friendship, but also breaks the trust you’ve in this special connection. 

So better if you don’t do any money deals with your friends, particularly.


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