19 Funny Comebacks For Bald Jokes

  • February 10, 2024

Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by Ketan

Whether you are losing hair due to illness or it’s your choice to shave your head, someone has no right to joke about you being bald. 

If you have been responding to hair comments with a fake smile, it’s time to speak up. 

To deal with those nonsense bald jokes and comments, you can try some of the witty comebacks that we will provide in this article. 

This is to shut them down from saying anything about your shiny head.


Best Comebacks To Jokes On You Being Bald

You are aware of your baldness and doing something to keep it under control. 

Or you have changed your hairstyle and gone bald for the first time. 

In such cases, you might get comments and jokes about your shiny head from friends, coworkers, neighbors, or relatives. 

If they say it as a joke, take it that way. 

But there’s always the one who doesn’t seem to stop making jokes about you being bald. 

Well, if you feel down with their comments and want them to stop, here are the clever comebacks to give after they share bald jokes with you. 

Comebacks To Jokes On You Being Bald

1. “Well my hair could grow back. But, will you ever grow up? 

Tell them that you have the option to try a wig or hair treatment to prevent baldness 

But this person has nothing to do with their foolishness. 

2. “I have decided to let my head take the free air.”  

You shaved your head for a purpose and it’s simple open and clear.

3. “Mind your own hairline and not mine.”

They try to tease you for your hair, but you tell them that they aren’t any better. 

This comeback is to tell them to mind own business

4. “More hair, more worries. Less hair. Less worries.” 

Take it as a joke and give this funny response to express that you feel better with the bald head. 

And you feel comfortable with it.  

5. “I might be bald but still I’m better looking than you.” 

If they think that they are looking good compared to you, tell them that they still are not as good as you are.

6. “Well, I did it on your mom’s saying.” 

If they can joke about it, you are joking back, too. 

A savage response to shut a friend down who thinks it’s funny to joke about your bald head.

7. “You could also say this is the ultimate solution to a bad hair day.” 

So, basically, it’s not a problem for you, but a solution. 

8. “I don’t think that my hair should be your issue by any means.”

It’s your issue and you know how to deal with it yourself.

You don’t need their suggestion or recommendation anyway.

9. “I feel more relaxed as I have no more hair over my head.” 

That your head gets the fresh air directly and you have no extra weight to carry.

Comebacks for being called Bald

10. “That was such a bad joke, just like your hairline.” 

You think it’s better to have no hair than to have a hairline that everyone laughs at.

11. “I’ve donated my hair to someone who needs it more than me.” 

A funny response to show that you don’t take their joke personally. 

12. “You can call me ‘Badass Bald’, instead.” 

Share this confident comeback to express that you are embracing this baldness. 

Actually, here you wish they name-call you with this.

13. “Well, I also used to laugh at bald people when I had hair. Now, it’s your turn.” 

So you think it’s all part of the Karma. 

14. “Why does my bald head bother you more than it’s to me?” 

You really want to know what their issue is with your issue with being bald. 

15. “It takes a lot of courage to save the head. Do you have that guts?” 

And this comeback you can share it as a man or woman. 

It expresses your confidence as try this bold or bald look for the first time. 

16. “Stop being jealous of my shiny head!”

Of course, they are being jealous and that’s why they can’t take their eyes off your head. 

17. “I told my hairstylist to give me the best and comfy haircut. And, he did his job right.”  

Also, you are happy with this haircut. 

That you gave him a good tip, as well. 

18. “I traded my hair for some good cause, but you won’t understand that.” 

Because you might not have hair, but they have no brain to know that. 

19. “I’m just preparing to be the sexiest man alive.” 

Because the last person who got this award was a bald actually.

This expresses your confidence and humor to accept being bald for the first time. 

READ NEXT: How To Answer To ‘Are You For Real’?


What To Say When Someone Calls You “Bald”?

At first, you can just ignore their comments on your bald look. 

They might have no idea how it feels with someone with a hair fall issue. 

And it also no point in explaining it, because they won’t understand it either. 

If they joke about it, take it as a joke and try to get over it. 

Don’t take it over your head. 

What To Say When Someone Calls You Bald

But to someone who doesn’t stop joking about your being bald over again, the shared clever comebacks are the ultimate choice for you. 

This way you express your confidence as well as make them stop mentioning your baldness ever again. 

Your baldness is your choice and they have no right to comment on that. 


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