24 Funny Answers To “How’s It Going?”

Last Updated on January 23, 2024 by Ketan

When someone asks “How is it going?” you wish you could give some funny answers. 

Of course, there’s no fun in saying ‘It’s going well’.

To have an interesting conversation, it is better if you react creatively.

In this article, we are going to share the funny responses to ‘How’s it going?’ from your friends or family members.


How To Respond To “How’s It Going”?

Well, this is just a normal question like ‘How are you doing?’ and that’s all. 

You want to keep it normal, and respond like what you normally do. 

But, based on the connection with someone and your mood, you can reply to it creatively and engagingly. 

This further start a refreshing conversation.

When you are in a fresh mood and comfortable with this person, try such funny answers to ‘How’s it going?’:

How To Respond To How's It Going

1. “It’s going good, not great. But it’s fine with me.”

Things aren’t perfect, not ever been. 

But you know how to adjust so it’s going well in your life.  

2. “You don’t know me well. So let’s keep it limited to ‘It’s well’ OKay?”

When a stranger asks you how it is going in your life, this is an honest answer to give.

If they seem friendly, they won’t take it personally. 

But this lighthearted answer will make them smile, though.

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3. “Going? What’s going on? I don’t know, man.” 

You see nothing new in the day or your life. 

Everything is going as normal, bad or good as it used to. 

4. “Is it even going? Life is stuck, my friend.”  

For your friend or cousin, this one is a funny answer to share. 

This is to show you feel stuck at some point. 

Either you’re confused and unsure what to do and where to go from here.

5. “Regarding what? “Is it related to my life or someone else’s?”

You share this response with a relative who is known for gossiping or random talk. 

Somewhat, you are also ready to discuss. 

But you want to know if they ask about your life or others.

6. “I’m doing well. So it’s going well.” 

Because you’re trying every day and doing something, life feels good. 

No complaints. 

Because you have to do work and you keep it moving. 

7. “Good, How about you, stranger?” 

Another witty response to give a stranger when they ask how it is going. 

If you don’t want to discuss more, you can ask them the same thing.

8. “The way you asked it seems you know how it’s going.” 

And by asking you about it, they just want to get an update on it.

This one is a direct and sarcastic response to share.

Sarcastic Response To How Is It Going

9. “How could you ask this? You know it, right?” 

There’s nothing much to discuss here. 

Or do you think it’s better to not talk more. 

So you answer sarcastically to avoid the discussion.

10. “If I were at your place, I wouldn’t ask this stupid question.” 

You and this person are in the same life phase. 

Nothing is interesting going on, so they asked the question to the wrong person.

11. “Right now, I’m confused about how to make it work.” 

So basically, it’s not going good as you think. 

You don’t even know how to explain to them. 

12. “Nothing is going on, my friend. Nothing is going on. *Sighh.” 

This answer ensures them that nothing is exciting going on in your life. 

You have so many ideas to work on, but not taking action. 

Or this isn’t going alright for you. 

13. “I’m not sure what makes you ask this.” 

You just curiously ask this question in return because you don’t see anything going on.

14. “Something amiss. I’m just waiting for the weekend.” 

A perfect response to give your coworker asking how it is going. 

You both feel the same frustration, so it is a funny but factual response. 

That you are so ready with your weekend plans.

15. “Right now, It’s me going to the office. So, I’ll update you later.” 

You don’t care how anything is going, right now you’re just late for reaching the office. 

But your neighbor is interested in knowing how it is going. 

This could be rude sometimes, but with a friendly connection, it’s fine. 

16. “Can’t you see I’m busy, can you please consider moving.”

You’re doing something on your computer and your annoying cousin asks how’s it going.

You don’t want to talk or waste your time on anything, at the time.  

So this is an answer that can save you.

17. “My girlfriend dumped me. Business isn’t good. And, my family hates me. So I think it’s going well.” 

Hats off to you for maintaining the positive in such a situation. 

Life isn’t going well, but you are sure that everything is good

Or it will be sooner. 

18. “Right now I’m stopping by you and I’m thinking what to answer.” 

You just give them an update on exactly what is going on at this precise moment. 

19. “Work is going good. But my salary isn’t rising enough.” 

That’s sad to hear but your co-worker could feel the pain. 

Because they know this is how life in a job is going.

20. “If you are my real support, you know it well.” 

How could they be your real support, when they don’t even know how it is going in your life?

21. “What? How do you know about my affair?”  

You are acting scared as if they found your secrets. 

Such a funny answer to share with a friend just for fun.

Funny Response To How Is It Going

22. “Everything is going well for others. But not for me.” 

What you are going through no one has any idea about

They are just chilling, but your life isn’t going well. 

23. “I can’t explain it. So let’s keep it limited to ‘It’s good’.” 

You don’t want to take any burden nor want to pass the pressure on someone. 

So this one is a casual but creative answer to share.

24. “A lot of things have been going on lately. I can’t tell you everything.” 

There’s not just one thing. But a bunch of other things. 

So it’s not a good idea to start talking about anything. 

This one is a clever answer to avoid any further discussion. 

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘I’m Feeling Better’?


What Does “How’s It Going” Mean?

When someone asks you ‘How’s it going?’, treat it like a common greeting. 

They know already that you are going to say ‘It’s good’ or ‘well’. 

This is a normal approach to starting a conversation with someone. 

What Does How’s It Going Mean

Whether it’s a close connection, acquaintance, or stranger they might ask this to have some interaction possible. 

You want to be creative, positive, and engaging depending on the connection or situation.

And, there are many ways to respond to it. 

We hope that these funny answers to ‘How is it going?’ help you to have some engaging and interesting interaction possible there.


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