7 Sassy Replies To “You Look Like A Model” Compliment

  • February 29, 2024

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Ketan

In real life or on your social media, getting a ‘You look like a model’ compliment is a confidence booster.

This means your look is simply ‘perfect’. 

You don’t have to think too much about what it means.   

And, saying just ‘Thank you’ is enough. 

Well, depends on if you think that you’re a supermodel (or not) or want to be like one, you need some witty and sassy response to share. 

In this post, we’re discussing the interesting ways to reply to this comment.


How To Respond To “You Look Like A Model” Compliment?

Because you look perfect or have a stylish personality, someone can’t help but calls you a ‘supermodel’. 

Also, that’s the perfect way to describe that your looks amaze them in many way. 

If you don’t want to be like a model or this compliment doesn’t impress you, you have something to say. 

Let’s check out some funny replies to share when they say you look like a model in real life. 

Such responses you can give to your friends or followers on social media. 

How to respond to you look like a model

1. “Thanks, that means my surgery works.”

When your friends started complimenting your looks and appearance lately, they noticed some change in you. 

Well, you may have just done a ‘makeover’ yourself. 

In such a case, you can give this fun response as if you’re kidding with them.

Because it’s the first time they call you a supermodel. 

2. “Yea, I can’t walk like normal people.”

It’s your style, the way you talk and walk. 

Your friend often mentions that your normal walk is more like a catwalk. 

But you see nothing wrong in it, it’s just your unique style.

3. “Oh is it, I don’t think so. What makes you say that?” 

If you feel that someone calling you a supermodel is actually hitting on you, give them this response. 

They aren’t clear why they said so. 

But you want to ask them what part of your body makes them say it.

4. “You’ll be surprised to know that, But, I’m a model already.”

When someone comments on your picture, they have no idea that you’re actually modeling. 

Well, you could be just messing with them for knowing nothing about you. 

But when you’re replying this way to a stranger, act like you’re a model already.

5. “Thank you for saying that. This is just the way I am.” 

You’ve no idea why someone calls you a supermodel for what reason?  

Maybe your face is perfect or your hair is. Is it your tall height or your lifestyle is great?

What makes them say that, you just want to know what it is. 

6. “No way. Do I seriously look that boring to you?”

Some might like being called a model. But you don’t.

Also, the way someone complimented you that, it felt weird.

So, you share this lighthearted response.

7. “I get this comment all the time. Do you have anyway I could get into modeling?” 

Acknowledge their compliment, because they’re impressed with your look. 

Maybe you’ve gotten this in the form of compliments and suggestions so many times, that now you think about changing your career. 

So with this witty reply, you look for modeling work. 

And ask the same person for advice to help you get a breakthrough. 

READ NEXT: How To Respond To ‘Yeah’ Text?


When Someone Says “You Look Like A Model”

When someone says ‘You look like a model’, they mean many things. 

A supermodel is perfect in their looks and style. 

So might be you, even though you don’t feel like it anyway. 

This person is actually impressed by your look or lifestyle which makes them say that you’re more like a supermodel. 

When Someone Says You Look Like A Model

And, you should take it as a compliment, without any second thought. 

But it’s also possible that a guy who calls you ‘model’ might be flirting with you. 

And by saying such nice things they try to get your attention and come close to you. 

When it comes to responding to this compliment, you can thank them for saying and just leave. 

Also, in some cases, you need to show them that you’re not taking them seriously. 

If you have nothing to say or don’t take this compliment any seriously, these witty replies you can give.


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