(15 Savage Comebacks) When Someone Calls You “Dumb”

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Ketan

When someone calls you ‘Dumb’ this means they think they are smart (than you). 

Or at least, they have to be clever to say that. 

If this someone is truly better, you should learn from them. 

If they are not, you should give them smart (or savage) comebacks for calling you ‘dumb’. 

Maybe this guy or girl says so to insult you or in an angry mood. 

But, this doesn’t give them the right to say it. 

Fine, if you do not know something. 

But, that doesn’t mean you are dumb for everything. 

Of course, you can just ignore their comments about your intelligence. 

But sometimes, you must have good comebacks to stop them from calling you ‘dumb’ and treating you like one.


What To Say When Someone Calls You “Dumb”?

Your parents, siblings, friends, or teacher often says that ‘You’re dumb’ occasionally when you fail to do or understand something. 

If you really did something stupid, you can apologize and learn a lesson. 

Never repeat this mistake again. 

But, if someone often calls you ‘dumb’ every now and then, it’s sure that they’re trying to make you feel bad about yourself. 

This is more insulting when they call you that, in front of other people. 

When being called ‘dumb’ makes you frustrated over what to say and how to respond, here are some comebacks to have with you. 

This is to show that you don’t take their comment on your intelligence any seriously. 

What To Say When Someone Calls You Dumb

1. “Actually, it’s all your influence on me.” 

Because you are friends with them or spend more time together, you’re slowly becoming more like them now. 

2. “Only a real dumb can find the other one.” 

How do they know that you’re a dumb person? 

Probably because they know what dumb does. 

This might be a regular or childish response, but you have something to say at least. 

3. “And, you’re the only inspiration.”

Tell them that you look up to them for their level of intelligence. 

Whatever dumb level you reach, you are never going to be ‘The Best’ like them. 

4. “I agreed with that. I should have spent less time with you.” 

You also sense that your ‘properly working mind’ is damaged now. 

Ever since you feel dumb inside, you somehow figure out who to blame for your dumbness. 

5. “Every genius is dumb at first. So, I think I’m on the right track.”  

If you want to make this person who calls you ‘dumb’, feel more jealous, this is how to do it. 

Such a clever comeback to show that you might be dumb but you embrace it. 

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6. “I would be dumber and even the dumbest person here, if I stay with you anymore. Goodbye.”

You already get influenced by them. 

And it’s early that you know what to do next. 

Indeed, you accept that you are dumb. 

But, not dumb enough to stay with them forever. 

7. “Well, I might be dumb. But looking smart, though.”

At least you don’t look dumb, but this person. 

In the first place, anyone who gets to see them knows that this person is a real piece of work.

8. “What do you think, only you have the right to do dumb things?”

No, it’s not their right alone. 

Everyone and anyone can be dumb. 

You say it in a sarcastic tone, to make it clear that you do it on purpose. 

Comebacks For You're Dumb

9. “Nah, today I’m just giving you company. Don’t worry I won’t let you feel dumb alone.” 

Today you want to feel like it’s being like them. 

And, you are supporting your friend who is often called dumb but now they call you so.  

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10. “I’m dumb that I still tolerate you as my friend. They were right.”  

You just realize that being with this person is the stupid thing to do. 

It’s them who make a mistake and call you dumb. 

You’re just annoyed with them, so this is an excellent comeback to share. 

11. “So tell me ‘the smartest person on the planet’, what do you do in this situation?” 

If someone calls you dumb for making a mistake, this response will shut them down for good. 

Indeed, you’re just asking for their suggestion, if they know what to do.

You rather be a dumb person who actually cares to do something. 

That’s better than being lazy and doing nothing at all.

12. “At least I don’t want to look perfect. But, I admit when I made a mistake.” 

It’s fine to make mistakes when you’re doing something new or for the first time. 

And, that doesn’t make you dumb, but someone still calls you. 

You’re actually working rather than just complaining or calling anyone dumb. 

13. “You’ve no idea what this ‘dumb’ does behind your back. 

To some people, you act dumb for some reason. 

Well, it’s your smart strategy to avoid doing anything for them. 

Because you’re dumb and they won’t give you any extra work to do. 

14. “And your sister likes this dumb so much.” 

Be mindful of this comeback, this is not a perfect one for every case. 

But when your friend jokingly calls you dumb, this one is a funny response.

15. “That’s why I fall for you.”

When a guy or girl you have a crush on says you’re so dumb, this one is a flirty reply to give.

In this situation this sounds cute.

Whereas if you say this to your partner, this is a sarcastic comeback.

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When Someone Says “You’re So Dumb”

Well, there’s no point in taking them seriously when someone calls you dumb.

It’s them who have no idea what to say when. 

Accept, if you’ve made some mistake or when you don’t know about something. 

Being unaware does not make you dumb. 

You’re learning that’s it. And, you’re smart to admit that.

So, next time when someone says ‘You are so dumb’, use these smart comebacks to make them feel dumb in return. 

Yes, however, you choose to respond, say it confidently. 

There’s no need to take their comment personally. 

Be smart and have your comebacks ready, when someone calls you ‘dumb’ for no reason. 


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