9 Real Comebacks When Someone Calls You “Fake” 

  • February 20, 2024

Last Updated on February 20, 2024 by Ketan

Well, it’s you just being you and someone calls you “Fake”. Because they can’t believe you.

This leaves you surprised about what you can say to them.

Do you need to give any certificates to prove that you’re original and not fake?

You don’t have to do any of that.

The best thing for you to do is to share some best comebacks with someone who calls you fake, for no good reason at all. 

Hopefully, this article will help you to be real while dealing with such fake accusations.


What To Say When Someone Calls You “Fake”?

First, it’s important to look at why they call you fake, anyway. 

Mostly, because they are jealous of you. 

Maybe they want to be like you but they can’t. 

So, they attempt to make you feel bad about yourself. 

And second, who the hell are they to call you fake, Right? 

Are they any better? 

What To Say When Someone Calls You Fake

They try to make you feel bad by calling you ‘You’re so fake’. 

But you can’t put yourself second after someone else. 

You do what you think is right for you. 

And if someone doesn’t like it, that doesn’t make you a fake. 

You have to value your time, priorities, and boundaries, first.  

If your friend calls you a fake friend or your follower comments that you’re so fake, you don’t have to give any validation to them. 

Let them have their reason to believe that. 

To avoid feeling bad about yourself, you can leave them after responding with these good comebacks for being called fake for no reason. 

1. “At least I never steal anyone’s idea. I’m creative, though.” 

You have all the followers who cheer for your content. 

But that one hater on social media who comments negatively about you and often calls you fake. 

They even suggest you stop doing what you do. 

Well, to respond to such mean comments, this comeback is the right to show off your confidence.

2. “When did I say that I’m the original one? I’m a copy of someone else, like everyone.” 

Nobody is perfect and everyone is learning from someone else. 

Well, You don’t oppose their comments on you being fake. 

You accept that. 

Also, you respectfully mention someone you take your inspiration from.

So as far as you give credit to someone for your ideas, you’re not fake. 

3. “Indeed, being a nice person is often considered fake these days.”

A harsh reality of today’s life. 

When you’re being nice and care too much for someone, they start to think you are fake. 

People in this time have a hard time believing that there’s anything good. 

They can’t believe that real and right people do exist. 

So this is a clever comeback for being called fake and you have nothing to do about that. 

Clever Comebacks To You Are Fake

4. “If I would be real with you, that would be even harsh for you.” 

You acted nice and said something good about them. 

Because you didn’t want to hurt their confidence. 

Lately, when they figure it out, they call you fake for not being real with them. 

This response says what you did, you did the right for them. 

Because they are not ready for brutal honesty. 

5. “And, what you think you are, huh!” 

This person has just shared their opinion about you, that nobody cares about.  

They try to picture you as a fake person. 

So, you also ask them what’s their viewpoint about their own. 

Do they have anything to say about themselves, too?

6. “That is also the reason why people like me the most. I bore no one.” 

This is the time of being fake and having fun anyway. 

You embrace your fakeness because you use it to entertain other people.

You don’t hurt or try to cheat others by being fake. 

So when someone comments that ‘You’re fake’, tell them that you are making others happy and everyone knows that. 

But you aren’t doing any cringe like them. 

7. “So sad you have to experience that side of mine.” 

This friend was asking for money or some favor. But you denied it. 

Result, they call you a fake friend. 

You know they are just frustrated at you.

But you’re not going to do anything for them under pressure.  

And if they want to end a friendship with you, you’re fine with it. 

But, you share this cool comeback before that.  

What to say when someone calls you a fake friend

8. “Then who is original here? Please, raise your hand.”

When a friend calls you a friend, you ask them this question. 

This one is a sarcastic response to tell that everyone is fake. In one way or another. 

And this makes even more sense when you’re on social media, where everyone is just trying to look better than they are. 

So it’s all about being fake to become famous.

9. “Yeah, because that’s what you are.”

Those who are fake, think everyone is the same.

You have nothing to say to them, and their opinion means nothing to you.

To make them shut, saying this is enough.

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What Does Being Called “Fake” Mean?

Someone who didn’t even know you well, calls you fake. 

That’s the biggest irony. 

When you be honest with a friend or refuse to do something for them, (because it’s not right), they call you a fake friend. 

They say is because their perception and expectation from you was different. 

But you’re being real and right to them. 

What Does Being Called Fake Mean

You can’t always support them in anything they want from you. 

You have priorities and sense to define what’s right and wrong. 

So you just refuse to help them or try to stop them from doing anything that isn’t the right choice. 

In response, your friend gets frustrated at you, criticizes your friendship, and even worse calls you a fake, whereas you’re not. 

In another case, someone comments on your social media, mentioning, how fake you are. 

Overall, they call you fake because they are insecure or just jealous about who you are.

And, what you do. 

Of course, you feel hurt when someone calls you fake. 

But instead of taking it personally, you can give these comebacks to show that at least you’re being real with them. 

It’s just them who can’t accept you like this.  


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