24 (Flirty &) Funny Answers To “What’s Your Type?”

  • February 28, 2024

Last Updated on February 28, 2024 by Ketan

Everyone has some preferences, simply ‘Type of person’ in dating and relationships.

But it’s hard to explain to someone asking “What’s your type?” right away.

Because this question comes out of nowhere.

Mostly, at the time when you’re not ready for it.

Well, if it comes from your crush or date, you SHOULD be ready for it.

To help you out, this article discusses nothing but the best answers to give next time.


How To Answer To “What’s Your Type”?

The question sounds simple and direct. 

You just need to mention whatever criteria, or preferences you have regarding an ideal date or life partner. 

But when it comes to responding to it, better if you check who’s asking. 

How To Answer To What's Your Type

Indeed, your friend, coworker, or relative does have not much interest in knowing it.

But they ask casually. 

And, when your crush or date asks about your ‘type’, maybe they ask it for themselves. 

They are interested in you and by asking this question they want to know their chances with you. 

To avoid fumbling and give genuine interest, here are the funny to flirty answers you can share when someone asks “What’s your type?”. 

1. “Well, I prioritize the emotional connection over anything else.”

A perfect response for individuals whose priority is emotional connection. 

They don’t want any superficial qualities. 

Because they hope to develop a deep and meaningful connection. 

2. “My type is exactly the same as your type.”

Being together for a while you know that this person is just your type. 

You’re being honest about it, doesn’t matter if that makes them blush.  

3. “I don’t have a specific type, how I feel about someone that’s where I will know.”

This witty response shows you let the feelings decide who is your ideal type. 

4. “I’m actually… an O-positive type.” 

To play with your crush and to tease them a bit, you can share this funny response. 

Funny Answer To What's Your Type

5. “My type is someone equally interested in me.”

You don’t want to follow anyone to make you love. 

Rather you want to be with someone who reciprocates the same interests and feelings. 

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6. “I like the guy who is quick to get my hints and doesn’t let me wait.”

This one is a clever response to give a guy you’re crush on. 

You have been giving him the hints for so long, but he’s not following your leads. 

Either he’s shy or waiting for more. 

7. “I didn’t set the standards for anyone. Who likes me or loves me, I like and love them back. But, more.”

You don’t want to be in a complicated relationship. 

Your goal is to have someone in life who loves you because you’re open to loving them more. 

8. “I like to be with someone who can laugh at himself. Because I’m going to go easy on him when cracking jokes.”

This response is better for someone you share a relaxing connection. 

But this is also a cute warning you give them, to be ready for this. 

9. “It’s never a good idea to judge someone based on just a few criteria.”

That means you don’t carry any standards for the type of person you like to be with. 

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10. “Someone who isn’t playing it hard to get.”

When a girl asks about your ideal type, this response makes sense. 

You want to be with a girl who is straightforward with her feelings and open to a relationship.  

How To Answer To What is your type of girl

11. “A girl who doesn’t just expect the queen’s treatment, but also knows to love his king, that’s my type.”

The mutual respect and love is something that helps you find your ideal match. 

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12. “Whoever says I’m their type, that person is my type.” 

So, you’re ready to love someone equally or more, who loves you in the first place. 

13. “I like someone who has lots of things to talk about and is also good at listening.”

This reply shows you wish to have an engaging and mindful conversation. 

14. “You’re my type, obviously. We already dating, aren’t we?”

With this flirty response, you humorously confirm that this guy or girl is your type.  

And, as they raised this question, it raise your doubts, too.

Flirty Reply To What's Your Type

15. “My type is someone who is just like you. A unique personality.”

 To make that person feel special, you can give this compliment. 

16. “I like a girl who is equally crazy as me and can laugh at my lame joke.” 

So you call her crazy, in the mean to embrace such nature. 

17. “I don’t like someone who keeps asking what’s your type. I just like everyone else.”

By asking ‘What’s your type’ they want to check your interest.

But you don’t like this question, so you can share this sarcastic response. 

18. “I like someone who smells good and makes me feel good.”

This is your criteria and you are so sure about it. 

No question asked, this is the type of answer you can share when a guy asks about your type. 

How To Answer To What is your type of guy

19. “My type would be someone who understands me without saying anything.”

That’s the real connection. 

This is the type of relationship you want to have, and you are looking for someone like the same.  

20. “My type is the one who is honest with me, just like I promise to be.”

The mutual trust and honesty is the main thing for you. 

You value integrity in relationships and are ready to provide the same. 

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21. “Someone whose simple good morning text is enough to make my day.”

This cute answer shows you find joy in the small efforts of your partner. 

You appreciate that small and thoughtful gesture. 

22. “That person who doesn’t force me to change.”

This clever response also means that you are looking for someone who accepts you as you are.  

Clever Response To What's Your Type

23. “I love to be with someone who doesn’t make me prove their love now and then.”

It shows you might have been experiencing some difficulties in an earlier relationship. 

So now you expect that you want to be with someone who never doubts your feelings.

24. “Well, for my type of person, I won’t have to do anything.”

The mutual connection and feelings are what make your relationship smooth and relaxed. 

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What Does “What’s Your Type” Mean?

When someone asks “What’s your type?”, they just want to know what kind of person you want to date or expect to have a relationship with. 

To answer that, you can mention the qualities of the person you’re looking for.

Also, what you prefer in the relationship, would be the better answer to show the type of relationship you are seeking.  

What Does What's Your Type Mean

This question talks about your compatibility and ideal connection. 

Depending on who is curious about your ideal type, choose the kinds of responses to share. 

We have discussed the best answers for the “What’s your type” question and you should decide whether you want to make it direct, humorous, or flirtatious. 


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