34 Better Replies To “Congratulations” Messages

Last Updated on February 1, 2024 by Ketan

When someone congratulates you, thanking them is a natural response. 

That’s enough.

But, this isn’t always how you should react to it.  

Especially, when these wishes and messages are from your loved one or someone special, you want to acknowledge them genuinely as possible. 

This article will help you with the better ways to thank someone for congratulating you. 


How To Reply When Someone Wishes “Congratulations”?

Well, there are many ways you can thank someone for congratulating you. 

In most cases, when you receive congratulatory wishes from many people, a simple ‘Thank you’ works just fine. 

No one expects much from you here. 

Whereas, when someone close to you or a special person expresses their excitement about your achievement, show your appreciation.

Because their wishes are genuine. 

Maybe they also have prayed for your success.

And so, they are genuinely happy as you achieve what you aim for.  

To thank someone who congratulates you after achieving something in life, check out these best responses that we’ve prepared for you. 

How To Reply When Someone Wishes Congratulations

1. “Thank you for your heartfelt wishes. I truly appreciate your support.”

You can feel that this person heartily congratulates you. 

2. “I’m glad that I made you happy and proud.”

Your family and parents are proud of you after what you achieved here. 

This expresses that you have aimed for it. 

READ NEXT: Best Things To Say When You’re Happy For Someone

3. “Thanks, not just for your wishes but also for your help.”

Tell them you haven’t forgotten how they helped you achieve it.

Their contribution to this success is appreciable.  

4. “Thank you so much, but I’m sure I couldn’t have done it without you.”

This shows you give them credit for the success you’ve achieved. 

5. “Feeling so grateful that I have someone like you in my life.”

You consider yourself lucky because you have someone who genuinely supports you. 

And always hope for the best for you.  

6. “You know what, you’re the first one to hear this news.”

A special response to share with your loved ones, who are always happy for you. 

They are your priority and how much you value them.  

Good reply to congratulation wishes

7. “Thanks for being here with me on this special occasion of my life.”

To your best friend who is always with you, this response is an emotional one. 

It means you are happy to see them on this occasion.  

8. “Thank you for the encouragement and support you provided.”

You can’t just ignore what they have done for you to reach here. 

Their support in any way, is greatly appreciated.  

9. “Only because of you, I can achieve this.”

You could respond this way to someone who kept your faith alive when you lost it.  

10. “No. Congratulations to you all. It’s a win for our entire team.”

Share this response with team members when they help you reach your professional goals. 

It shows you’re a good boss and leader who knows how to share your success. 

11. “Your congratulations made my day.”

Express that you have been waiting for their message and it made your day eventually. 

12. “Thank you for taking the time to write this mail.”

A formal response to thank someone for congratulating you over mail. 

You can share this one with your manager, coworker, or client.  

Formal reply to congratulation over mail

13. “I think it’s your win more than it’s mine.”

Maybe you have achieved something, but you tell that their faith won here. 

14. “I like to give credit to you for this amazing idea.” 

When a coworker congratulates you and they are the ones who suggested this, you can give this reply. 

Also, as a boss, you can give credit to an employee who brought such an idea. 

15. “Thank you for always being there when I need you the most.”

This could be a good friend, lover, or sibling. 

A response to express that you’re so thankful for their presence and being with you always.  

16. “Your congratulatory wishes mean a lot to me.”

To someone you’re growing the connection with, this response sounds special.

It shows you appreciate their congratulatory wishes uniquely.  

17. “I can’t tell how excited I am for what’s coming next.”

The congratulations could be for selecting a new job or getting admission to your desired college. 

This response expresses your excitement for the future. 

18. “Thank you for believing in me. Only because of you, I could do this.”

 And, you are so sure that you won’t be able to achieve this all alone. 

READ NEXT: How To Respond To ‘Happy Journey’?

19. “Thanks but I believe that this time I’m just lucky.”

Sometimes you don’t believe what you achieve. 

This one is a funny reply to share when your friend congratulates you, but you’re being honest about what you feel here.  

funny reply to congratulations from friends

20. “Can’t thank enough, let’s celebrate it fully.”

After achieving something, you’re in the celebration mood. 

Share this fun response with your friends who might expect some party from you. 

21. “Your presence at this event means a lot to me. Enjoy the party.”

When you get congratulatory wishes on the success party, this is the way to respond. 

Along with thanking them, you also welcome them to the celebration. 

22. “I feel blessed to have people like you who genuinely support me.”

You know how blessed you are to have them in your life.  

23. “Your presence on this occasion makes this day even special.”

To someone who takes time and shows up at the event, this is an appreciative reply.  

better response to congratulation messages

24. “Thanks, feel free to contact me when you need help with anything.”

You feel confident and ready to help others out.  

25. “It seems like your prayers for me worked well.”

You don’t have to assume but you’re sure that they might have prayed for you. 

This is a sweet reply for your parents or family congratulating you.  

26. “I might have worked hard, but I know you prayed for me a lot.”

This success is the combined efforts of your hard work and someone’s wishes.

You acknowledge someone who might not have helped you directly, but their genuine wishes will let you win. 

You could respond this way to your well-wishers.

27. “I feel more confident now, I’m aiming for a bigger goal now.”

What you just achieved is just a milestone, and you have a long way to go. 

That’s what this response means.  

28. “Everyone needs a good friend like you who genuinely supports.”

Only a genuine friend can help you in hard times and congratulate you when you become successful.  

You feel lucky to have them as a friend. 

29. “Oh come on, this is just a normal thing. I aim for greater than this.”

What you achieve isn’t your end goal. Your target is higher than that.

And so, this success doesn’t impress a lot to you. 

Sometimes, this works as a sarcastic reaction to congratulatory wishes so be mindful of that. 

Sarcastic response to congratulations

30. “I’m happy that you notice my efforts, finally.”

Your success made them change their approach and congratulate you. 

That shows you achieved something bigger and unexpected. 

31. “Yeah, what a great feeling this is.” 

A simple and short response to a congratulatory text from a friend. 

This expresses how you feel after this event.  

32. “Thank you for your genuine support and your genuine congratulations. Thank you for everything.”

This person is genuine and your connection is even special. 

You thank them for everything that they offer, either help or congratulatory wishes.  

33. “I’m so happy that finally I made it.” 

When you pass an exam or this success made you wait, this reply is a good one.

34. “You’re my source of inspiration, so I like to give you credit for this achievement.”

Don’t forget to give credit to those who have a huge congratulations in your success. 

It makes them feel appreciated for what they did. 

READ NEXT: How To Respond To ‘Glad As You Made It’?


How To Thank Someone On Congratulating You?

You get congratulatory wishes and messages all the time. 

Whether you bought a new house, got a new job, or starting a family, those congratulatory wishes are to celebrate your achievement effectively. 

Your close friends, family, and partner’s wishes are the most genuine ones. 

How To Thank Someone On Congratulating You

Possible that they are happier with your success than you. 

And, this is also the time to acknowledge the support they have provided so far.

So, don’t make your response limited to thanking them only. 

Along with that, you can also appreciate their presence and support that contribute to this achievement. 

The shared replies to congratulations wishes and messages are well on point to express that their kind words mean a lot to you.


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