18 Great Responses To “Good To See You” 

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Ketan

Whether it’s your relatives or friends, who say ‘Good to see you’, they might be happy to meet you after a long time. 

It’s just an expression of how they feel after seeing you. 

Generally, they say when they’re happy or excited. 

Or, maybe just casually.

It is possible that they just say so and don’t actually mean it. 

Whatever it is, to make this common interaction a lot more interesting, here we are sharing some better responses to ‘Nice to see you’ from someone.  


How To Reply To “Good To See You”?

Well, mostly you feel that ‘Same here’ is enough to respond to ‘It’s great to see you’ or similar greetings. 

But, there’s more to say. 

Something that sounds engaging and much more meaningful to your meeting or gathering.

When you get to hear ‘It’s nice to see you’ from your relatives or family members, respond politely and respectfully. 

To friends who have not seen you for a long time, when they say so, you could try funny and sarcastic responses to show how you feel to see them back.

Next, if you want some exact things to say based on who says ‘Good to see you’, here are some best ways to respond. 

How To Reply To Good To See You

1. “I’m so  happy to know that.” 

You just keep it direct and simple.

Someone says ‘Great to see you’ and you tell them that you’re also happy to see them.  

2. “Oh, do you still remember me? Good to know that.” 

Sometimes acquaintances you’ve no active connection with often express they’re happy to see you. 

This response expresses your joy that this person still hasn’t forgotten about you.

READ NEXT: Best Answers To ‘How’s Your Day Going?’ 

3. “Thanks for your invitation. I’m happy to be here.”

It’s a get-together party of your college friends after decades or so.

Being around old friends, you’re happy and excited to share your experience. 

So you reply this way to the host who expresses they’re glad to see you.

4. “I’m not just back but now I’m bigger and better.” 

If you reunite with your old connection after a long time, this is the right response to give. 

When someone says ‘Good to see you back’, this response shows your confidence. 

5. “I think you’ve had a lot of fun while I was away, right?”  

This response you can share when you get to meet your group of friends after a while.

In the last few months, you’ve not been part of the group.

So you just ask them to share the story while you’re away. 

6. “I’m feeling great to be back.” 

You rejoin your old group or company after being away for some weeks.

When your coworkers welcome you back at your job, this response works well. 

This shows your excitement to be among such people. 

7. “I’ve always been around, never gone away.” 

When someone says ‘nice to see you back’ they might not see you in a long time

So, you tell them that you are around. 

It’s just them who never get a chance to meet with you. 

8. “Aww, you missed me? Sorry for that.” 

Share this cute response with someone who seems truly happy to see you.

You tell them sorry for making them wait, and not spending enough time together. 

Sweet Reply To Good To See You Back

9. “Your love brings me back. Else, I won’t be here.” 

You were so busy but as someone insisted you join the party, you decided to show up  

Such a sweet response you can give to someone you genuinely respect and love. 

Because they’re really happy to see you there. 

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘Congratulations’ Messages?

10. “I have to come here. I had no chance.” 

You could say it in a positive tone or sarcastically. 

But this response is to show that you’re finally back and also happy to be there also. 

11. “Where have you been so long?”

This person has no idea that you’ve always been around. 

But they didn’t get a chance to meet you. 

So you ask them if they are around or moved to some new place. 

12. “Finally, we get a chance to see each other, Right?”

You’ve been trying to catch up someday for a long time.

At last, this time you both have time to see each other in person. 

13. “I’m glad to see you all happy and healthy.”  

You’re not just good to see them. 

But you’re also happy that they’re all better now financially and physically. 

This response you can share with your relatives out of respect who feel great to see you. 

14. “I want to say the same. But I honestly can’t.”  

You’re forced to be there around such people. 

Indeed, this is a sarcastic response to share to tease your former friend or annoying relatives, you’ve been trying to hide yourself from. 

But when they catch you and you tell them how you feel after seeing them. 

15. “Thank god, that you recognized me.” 

In the last few years, a lot of things have changed. 

Your look, personality, and lifestyle are all different now. 

When someone recognizes and says ‘Good to see you today’, this is a funny response to share. 

Funny Response To Good To See You

16. “You’re feeling good! Then, why can’t I feel it?” 

Some people just say that they are happy to see you back. 

Mostly someone who secretly hates you, acts nice around you. 

If you know them well, share this honest reply. 

17. “Don’t worry, you’re going to see me every day now.”

Well, you moved to a new place and met your old connection there.

As they tell that they feel good to see you after long time, you can give this sweet response.

It shows you are excited to meet them more from now.

18. “It’s always great to see you, my old friend.”

Such accidental meetings with the old connection, mainly the friendly are priceless.

This is an exciting and welcoming reply to give anyone you feel nice to see and meet.

READ NEXT: How To Respond To ‘Good Evening’ Wishes?


When Someone Says “Good To See You”

Whether someone says ‘Great to see you’ after meeting you or someone says ‘Good to see you’ to welcome you, this phrase is the expression of how they feel about meeting you.  

They expect to have some conversation about what you’re up to lately.

Or, they ask where have you been lately.

As well as they ask you to share how you feel being there. 

In formal or informal connections, ‘great to see you’ can be used to show excitement and happiness for the meeting with someone. 

When Someone Says Good To See You

Consider who is saying this to you and in which mood, then decide how to reply to ‘Good to see you after a long time’ with your genuine expression. 

This starts some conversation and gives meaning to this meeting. 


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