11 Professional Responses To “I Will Let You Know” 

  • February 29, 2024

Last Updated on February 29, 2024 by Ketan

You were eagerly waiting for an update from a client. But you hear “I will let you know”.

This isn’t an update. But, the wait. 

And, the same could happen to you as a job seeker, waiting for your interview result. 

No matter what, this phrase leaves you with nothing more to say. 

But, that’s not the case always. 

By responding professionally (and politely) you can maintain formality as well as find out if you’ll hear from them.


How To Respond To “I Will Let You Know” Professionally?

When someone says they will let you know or update you on something, there’s no choice left, but to wait for it.  

You can’t force someone to make a decision or share an update when you want it. 

So, better be patient and wait for their response.  

To maintain professionalism, and keep the connection open, you can politely say ‘Thanks, I will wait.’. 

Also, based on the situation and connection you have, there are more ways to respond.

Here are the best responses you can share to “I will let you know” with your professional connections: 

1. “Thank you for your valuable time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.” 

Share this response to express politeness towards your formal connection. 

It shows you respect their time and anticipate their updates. 

2. “Sure, please take your time and keep me posted on this.”

You don’t want your client to feel any pressure to make a decision right away. 

And, this response shows you agree to wait. 

It’s like telling them to update you as they feel convenient. 

READ NEXT: How To Say ‘Take Your Time’ Politely?

3. “Noted that. If you need my help in anything, inform me.” 

It seems that your prospect is confused about something. 

So, better if you offer them help to understand something from the proposal. 

4. “There’s no need to rush, I can wait for it.” 

You’re being patient here and not persuasive. 

And, your prospect can feel that. 

This is an important decision and you want them to give some time to think and finalize the deal. 

And, your assurance to wait for them, make them feel relaxed and comfortable. 

5. “Okay, I hope to get the feedback as early as possible.” 

You can share this response with a recruitment agency or interviewer who tells you that they will let you know about your interview status. 

It shows you’re eager to start the work and hope you get the update soon

6. “However, it would be better if you could update me before this weekend.” 

Sometimes client makes you wait for longer and keep you following them. 

If you waited enough, sharing the timeframe is the right move. 

This will make them provide an update within that time. 

Best response to I will let you know

7. “No worries. But, may I know when can I expect to hear from you?”

Rather than giving them the time limit, you can ask them to decide it themselves. 

This one is a better way to show that you don’t mind waiting. 

But you also have to be sure whether you get to hear from them or not. 

8. “I can relate to that. You can take your time.”

This polite response expresses your understanding of the taking time to decide.  

Maybe your prospect feels free to make a decision and take enough time. 

9. “Do you expect any further clarifications regarding my proposal?” 

Instead of just saying ‘Okay fine, I will wait’, sharing this response makes sense. 

You need to ensure that your prospect has all information about your deal.

This response is to ensure that there’s no issue or confusion there. 

10. “Now it’s all up to you to make the decision.”

Give them the right to make the decision all by themselves. 

Tell them not to worry as you can wait. 

You have explained everything that’s required, and it’s on them to make the next move.

11. “Of course, I’ll wait for your response.” 

You have nothing else to do here, and this client also seems uninterested. 

So as they tell you they will let you know, you can share this polite response as to maintain the formality.

Like they do.  

how to reply to I will let you know formally

12. “I don’t have a problem with that. If I were you, I would do the same.” 

To establish a mutual connection with your prospect, you can share this response. 

It conveys a sense of compassion and empathy towards them. 

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘I Will Try To Make It’ Formally?


What Does “I’ll Let You Know” Mean?

When someone says “I will let you know” that could mean many things. Then just one.  

Normally, you get to hear this when your prospect has no time to provide an update.

But they are interested, so they want you to wait for the right time. 

Here, you can expect to hear from them.

Or at least you can remind them later. 

In other case, this is the polite way to say no in the professional setting. 

What Does I’ll Let You Know Mean

Someone such as the recruiter or interviewer doesn’t want you to feel rejected or discouraged.  

So when you ask for your interview performance, they tell you that they will let you know.

And, that’s the approach most of them choose. 

So next, it’s up to you to figure out what someone means by “I will let you know” and then decide how you reply to it professionally and politely.


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