15 Professional Ways To Say “Take Your Time” In Email Or Person

Last Updated on January 12, 2024 by Ketan

You don’t want your employee or prospect to do anything under pressure. 

So, it’s polite to tell them to ‘Please take your time’.  

But there are professional ways to say the same in the mail or in person. 

In this article, we will provide you the formal alternatives to tell someone to take their time and not rush anything.


How To Say “Take Your Time” Professionally?

You don’t want your employees feeling pressed when you expect something to get done. 

Because something isn’t urgent. So you want them to take it easy.

Similarly, being persuasive to a client is not always a good idea. 

Especially when you’re offering products or services that require time before making the final decision. 

How To Say Take Your Time Professionally

So, let them take their time and make a confident decision. 

Normally, you used to say “Take your time” and that’s fine. 

But this isn’t a perfect phrase that suits every situation. 

Occasionally, you need some other ways to say ‘Take your time’ in formal mail with clients or at work. 

So, take a look at these example ways for the same. 

1. “There’s no need to rush.” 

You expect your employee to do something, but not under any pressure. 

As a manager or boss, when you say this way, it sounds positive.

And not as an order. 

2. “You’re free to work on it whenever it’s convenient for you.”

Tell your teammates or employees that you value their work priorities. 

You don’t want to interrupt their work schedule. 

But expect something to get done as they are comfortable. 

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘I Will Let You Know’ Formally? 

3. “Understandable. Feel free to revert as you like.”

It’s an important decision and you want to give your prospect time to think. 

This phrase shows you don’t pressure them. 

You can wait, because this is a crucial decision. 

So they should take time before deciding anything.  

4. “Slow down. It might take you some time.”

This way you tell your new employee or teammate to feel at ease. 

Because it’s their first day at work, they seem pressured. 

So you tell them to don’t rush at anything, but take time to learn. 

5. “Take it easy, don’t stress much.” 

As a manager, you can use this phrase while handing over challenging tasks to teammates.  

You want them to don’t think much about perfecting it.

This formal phrase shows that you want them to take their time and do the right thing. 

Formal Way To Say Take Your Time At Work

6. “It’s not urgent. We have enough time for it.” 

You don’t want someone to act right away on what you ask. 

It’s a good idea to tell them that they can manage the work likewise.

Because the deadline isn’t too close.  

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7. “Let me know when you’re ready to discuss it.” 

Pressuring a client to provide an update, isn’t the right option.

It’s good if you have some clarity here. 

So this phrase is the perfect one to check when they are available to discuss your proposal.

8. “I can wait for it. No worries.” 

When a client says ‘I will get back to you’, you can say this in response to their mail. 

You respect their time and allow them to reconsider. 

This works better than using regular ‘take your time’. 

Good Ways To Say Take Your Time Formal Mail

9. “You can prioritize your work, this isn’t any important.” 

You know that this teammate has many important things to follow.

So you want them to take their time and then take your task.

10. “After you finish your routine work.”

This phrase you can share while asking for help from your coworker. 

You don’t want them to leave their work and just focus on yours. 

And this is the polite phrase to say so. 

11. “When you have time, we can continue.” 

You’re following up with your client and they tell you they will update.

You have nothing much to say but to wait. 

So, instead of saying ‘take your time’, you can say this as there is more to discuss. 

Polite Way To Say Take Your Time To Client

12. “It’s an important decision, so I can understand that.” 

Your prospect is taking time to reply.

And, it may take longer. 

To show that you can relate with them as a client, this is a professional phrase to share.

13. “Get back to me as you can.” 

This might sound like ‘As soon as possible’. 

But it says you want them to complete what they are doing right now. 

And then you can talk about it. 

14. “Only when you’ve spare time for it.” 

You notice this coworker has already work commitments.

And you don’t want them to take any extra burden. 

This phrase is a polite way to say ‘Please take your time because I know how busy you are’. 

15. “Don’t worry, we can talk about it later.” 

Your client or customer has some personal reason to not get back to you. 

Knowing that you tell them there’s nothing urgent to discuss.

When they are available and free, you can talk about it then.

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What Does “Take Your Time” Mean At Work?

In a professional setting, ‘Take your time’ is a polite and respectful phrase.  

This means you don’t want someone to take any pressure to make a decision or do something for you. 

You are fine if they do something when they’re available or comfortable.  

What Does Take Your Time Mean At Work

As a boss when telling your employee to ‘Take your time’, this phrase works positively. 

It shows don’t worry about anything, just keep it easy.

Whereas to client, when you tell them to take their time and update you on something, this show there’s no rush to make any decision.

You value their priorities. So, you allow them to think freely. 

You can use this phrase in professional mail and while interacting with your team or anyone at work. 

It makes them feel at ease. It assures them that there’s no pressure. 

Also, based on the situation and with whom you are interacting, you can try these better ways to say “Take your time in the mail or in person. 

That further helps you build a good formal connection. 

Because you know they might have other priorities and you respect that.  


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