18 Professional Replies To A Rescheduled Meeting Or Interview Email

Last Updated on February 9, 2024 by Ketan

Well, your meeting might be rescheduled, but you must respond to this email on time. 

And, not just timely. But, also appropriately. 

Whether it’s a client meeting or a job interview, this article will help you with some example replies to share when you receive a rescheduled meeting mail. 

Here are the formal and polite responses to acknowledge and agree to rescheduled meetings.


How To Reply To A Rescheduled Meeting Or Interview? 

Indeed, you need to reply to any formal mail on time.

But when it comes to a rescheduled meeting mail, this has to be addressed promptly. 

The sender might be waiting to get a mail receipt confirmation from you. 

Depending on your time availability, here are a few example replies you can share to a rescheduled meeting or interview over mail. 

How To Reply To A Rescheduled Meeting Or Interview

1. “Thank you for updating me about the rescheduled meeting. See you there.” 

A simple response to simply acknowledge the change in meeting time.

2. “Not an Issue. I will be there at the new meeting time.” 

Here, you confirm your availability at this new rescheduled meeting time. 

That you have no issue if the time for the meeting is changed now. 

3. “Sorry, but, I’m not available at that time. Can we postpone the interview to the next day?” 

Possible that you have some other appointment at the new time. 

If you are not available, you can share the time you’re available for the interview. 

This response shows you are interested in this interview but can go for it on a certain day. 

4. “It’s quite a busy schedule. Is there any chance we can have a meeting before that?” 

Your client updates you about the rescheduled meeting at their convenience. 

The new time doesn’t suit you. 

So you formally ask about their earliest availability for the meeting. 

5. “I can totally understand your situation. Here I confirm my availability for the rescheduled meeting time.” 

So, you are going to be present at the new meeting time shared. 

This professional response is to express your understanding nature that you value their time and decision.

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6. “Please let me know what the other time when you are available.” 

You ask the recruiter or client who just updated you about the rescheduled meeting. 

If this time doesn’t suit you or they haven’t mentioned the new time, this is how you respond in email. 

7. “That works fine for me. If this time is convenient for you, it is for me as well.’ 

You are flexible with your work schedule. 

Also, this is a polite response to show that you agree to the new meeting time, without any issues. 

8. “So when is the good time for this meeting? Is this Friday evening fine for you?”

Someone suggested a change in the meeting but you haven’t decided when to reschedule.

Here you share the time when you’re available.

This formal response helps in mutually rescheduling the meeting. 

Formal Response To A Rescheduled Meeting Email

9. “Thank you for rescheduling this meeting. I was thinking the same.” 

You were about to change the time, but feeling hesitant to ask. 

But as they reschedule the meeting, you admit that you agree to them. 

10. “Sure, I’m looking forward to meeting you at this new time.” 

The meeting time might be changed but that makes no difference. 

You are excited about meeting them and you’re going to make this work. 

11. “That’s not a big deal to me. I will be available at the time you shared.” 

Acknowledge your client or manager that you will be available in the meeting. 

You accept the change in the meeting time.

12. “I appreciate you for letting me know in advance. I’ll manage my other meetings likewise.” 

This isn’t the last time a meeting cancellation, leaves you no chance. 

It’s a proper rescheduled meeting email and for that, you should appreciate them for valuing your time. 

You haven’t confirmed your availability but you try to manage your work first. 

13. “Can you please tell me if you’re available in the evening?” 

Your client wants to reschedule the meeting. 

But they didn’t mention when they are available. 

So you ask them if they are available at a particular time. 

14. “Don’t worry, I have managed my other plan accordingly. We will meet at this updated meeting time.”

So here you confirm your availability on the updated meeting time. 

You don’t want the client or customer to stress over rescheduling. 

Because you have managed your work for this meeting to happen at the new time. 

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15. “I think that’s the perfect time for this meeting. See you then, thanks!”

This response expresses your excitement for the new meeting time. 

16. “Sorry to say but I have another interview scheduled, can I update you about my availability later?” 

When a recruiter updates you about the change in the interview schedule, you can give this reply. 

It shows that you already got another interview on time. 

So you can’t be sure of your availability at the changed time. But you will update them later.

17. “I’m not available at that time. Can we have a remote interview? I’m available for it.” 

At the new interview time shared, you’re not available. 

So you politely ask the recruiter or interviewer about an online interview meeting availability. 

How To Reply To A Rescheduled Meeting Or Interview

18. “Noted that. I will be available at the rescheduled meeting time.” 

When your manager or boss sends a mail about rescheduling a meeting, share this formal response. 

It’s an acknowledgment of the mail receipt also to the new meeting time. 

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What To Say When You Get “A Rescheduled Meeting” Email?

You’re well-prepared and so when a meeting gets rescheduled, you feel upset.

But there must be some reason why they have to do it. 

When you get a rescheduled meeting mail from your client or recruiter, the first thing to try to understand their situation.

Follow a flexible approach. And, discuss the free time that works for both of you. 

When they already provided the time, manage your work and priorities likewise.

Show in your response confirm your availability for changed meeting time. 

What To Say When You Get A Rescheduled Meeting Email

This is just the time change, try to get the meeting done as per the agenda. 

If this updated time isn’t possible for you, inform them about it. 

Here you can mutually decide some other time that works well for you both. 

But overall, you need to be flexible also formal with how you respond to a rescheduled meeting email. 

Because you wish this interview or meeting to happen positively. 

Your professional approach to responding to the rescheduled meeting shows that you are easy to work with and can manage your priorities likewise. 

This further leaves a good impression and leads to a sound professional connection. 


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