8 Funny Responses To “Have You Lost Weight?”

Last Updated on January 31, 2024 by Ketan

You might have lost weight, but you can’t run away from those comments. 

Normally, you face them during family functions or friendly gatherings. 

People who haven’t seen you for a while will notice your weight loss (or gain) easily. 

And they can’t stop but comment on how you lost some extra weight.

See it as a compliment or insult, but now you feel good, you should be proud of it, as well.

So, you want to show off your achievement with pride and with some funny responses when someone mentions your lost weight. 


What To Say When Someone Says You Lost Weight?

First thing, if you follow a strict diet plan and exercise hard to lose weight, it’s a compliment, of course. 

It’s good to hear when someone mentions that you’ve lost weight. 

They noticed it and told you that.

This is proof that your efforts paid off and you get a reaction to successful results. 

So don’t stress much and you can respond with ‘I worked hard for it, Thanks for noticing that’.

What To Say When Someone Says You Have Lost Weight

In other cases, you want to show that you didn’t only lose weight but also become healthier and more humorous. 

But, because you were fat before, you better have witty comebacks ready when you feel more comfortable after losing weight. 

Such comments on your body, are no longer going to put your confidence down. 

So next time when someone asks ‘Have you lost weight?’, be confident and share these funny responses. 

1. “Yeah, but I think you found it for yourself.” 

As they comment on you about losing weight, you comment about gaining weight. 

This is something you can use as a smart comeback to shut them down. 

2. “Actually, I’ve rented it to someone who wants to gain weight.”

A fun response to share in a playful conversation with friends or family. 

There’s also a chance that you get the weight back, anytime. 

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3. “No, that wasn’t even mine. I gave it back from where I found it.”  

Most probably you returned it to restaurants and fast food outlets. 

You know someone would take weight from there. 

Comeback To You Lost Weight

4. “Sorry, I didn’t have to lose it. I might have to give it to you.”

It seems that this person feels jealous as you have lost weight. 

Eventually, with this reply, you tell them you’re skinny and wish you could donate your weight to them earlier. 

Because they needed it.

You wish you knew it before. 

5. “I didn’t lose it, we just broke up. I couldn’t take it anymore.” 

It’s so hard for you to tolerate such extra pounds. 

Now you feel more positive, and alive as you’re no more under the pressure. 

6. “So, now you have a problem with that?”

Give this response to someone who has been criticizing you for being fat.

And as you look good and feel better, they have to mention your weight.

Here you ask them clearly what’s their matter actually.

7. “Yeah, I’ve been away from unhealthy food and friends.”

Such a witty comeback to share when your old friends ask if you have lost weight. 

Tell them that you have been in a transition period in life. 

And you have removed the unhealthy things and people from life. 

It is also the one reason why you have been staying away from them lately.

8. “It wasn’t working out, so we (me and my weight) both decided to break up.”

You and your extra weight have been together for a long time.

Now, as you don’t get along well, you move away.

Share this funny response to show that you couldn’t bear such weight anymore.

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When Someone Comments On Your Weight Loss

It’s impressive that, your diet plan worked and you lost weight finally. 

You worked hard for it and the result is there. 

So when someone says “You have lost weight”, this is nothing but a compliment. 

When someone comments on your weight loss

It should boost your confidence.

So, be proud of it. 

But because this is an obvious question and instead of asking ‘Have you lost weight?’ they could compliment you like you look fit and healthy.

So, to your friends and family, you can share funny responses back when they know you lost weight and still ask if you did it. 

This is nothing but to show that you feel more light and confident than before. 


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