12 Best Answers For “What’s On Your Mind?”

Last Updated on January 4, 2024 by Ketan

It’s the time when you’re laying on a relaxing chair in the backyard, and deeply thinking about something. 

Your family member noticed it, and can’t resist asking “What’s on your mind?”.

Because they realize that something is going on in your mind.

Should you tell them what it is? (Or just say, I’m fine, thanks.’)

Of course, you should, as they are your people.

You can trust them. 

Maybe you’re thinking about your future life, past memories, or just anything, whatever your response could start some meaningful conversation with them. 


How To Answer To “What’s On Your Mind”?

As far as whatever you think is deep (and not dirty), you can share it as it is. 

The family members can feel that you’re thinking (or worrying) about something. 

And when they ask just so, they mean you can share what’s that.

If something they can do, they offer to help or discuss it. 

But, the conversation won’t always be serious. 

When everything is alright, you can try these good and funny answers to show what was on your mind. 

How To Answer To What's On Your Mind

1. “I am thinking about asking for a pocket-money raise.”

It’s been a long time since you’ve been thinking about the same. 

But, as finally, they ask, you honestly can ask for more money from your parents.

2. “Many things, but you don’t want to hear them each.” 

This is from your school assignments to work-related stuff, based on the situation you’re in.

Your family has nothing to do about it.

So it’s better if you don’t share what you were thinking about at the time.

3. “I’m planning for our next family vacation.”

You’re sitting and thinking that your whole family should go on a vacation this summer. 

And, as you reveal the plan, you welcome their suggestion. 

4. “Just thinking, am I adopted as he said.” 

After a usual fight with your siblings, your parents come to your room. 

They might be aware of it or not, but you tell them that your brother just said that ‘you’re adopted’ to you.

Because he says it often you were thinking about your real parents.

5. “I’m just wondering how I end up in this family.” 

One of your family members caught you staring at the wall and thinking deeply.

In that case, try this funny answer to ‘What’s on your mind?’ when they ask you.

And if your parents are savage, they will respond with a great comeback. 

6. “Same. But, why always me?”

You feel tired of dealing with the jerks and negative people in life.

Eventually, you blame your destiny for making your life so challenging every day. 

Talking openly regarding what is on your mind, will help you to heal. 

7. “Do you forget that I don’t have a mind?”

Here you’re roasting your big brother who called you brainless before. 

Maybe they forget about that, but you don’t. 

So you’re just reminding them that there’s nothing over your head.

Funny Answers To What's On Your Mind

8. “Nothing, just random thoughts.” 

This one is the most common answer to give when you are thinking about something. 

But, you don’t want to share this with someone. 

Maybe because this time isn’t right or this person won’t understand you much. 

9. “How do you know there is something on your mind?”

It’s surprising how our closest ones get to know what we’re feeling inside. 

Well, you ask this as if they’ve some unique abilities.

If so, you also want to have a superpower like that.

But, they’re your close ones, and that’s the main reason. 

10. “I was hoping that you would not ask about it.”

Whatever you were thinking about, you’re not confident to share it. 

But you’re being direct while answering, making it a clear response.

11. “What would you do if I became a zombie?”

You just finished watching a random zombie movie without it running through your mind.

It’s a funny answer that could challenge your nearest one to make hard choices. 

12. “I want to know where babies come from.”

This question has been bothering you since you were three. 

Now, you’re nine but this is still a mystery. 

But, as your mom curiously asks what you’re thinking about, you just want to tell what you’re curious to know. 

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘Do What You Want’


What’s The Meaning Of “What’s On Your Mind?”

Sometimes, you are so lost in thinking that you don’t notice someone just sitting next to you. 

If this person is your nearest one, the family member or partner, they ask ‘What’s on your mind?’ because they care about you.

And they want to listen to you if that helps you.

Or in some cases, when your parents ask this, maybe they ask like ‘What’s going on in your tiny head?’ this means, they’re in a fun mood. 

What’s The Meaning Of What's On Your Mind

Indeed, they’re ready to listen to your imagination.

For you, this is also a time when you want to ask something. 

Mainly, if you want to share something you can just say it.

And, if you want to, just reply ‘Nothing’.

It’s that simple. 

Your answers to ‘What’s on your mind?’ depend on who is asking and where you want to bring your conversation, thereafter.


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