8 Better Responses To “I’m Fine” (When They’re NOT, Actually)

Last Updated on January 26, 2024 by Ketan

You asked your friend ‘How are you?’ or ‘Are you okay?’. And they replied, ‘I’m fine’.

Being a true friend, you feel that they’re lying or hiding something.

Now, she’s trying to act normal around you.

Being their bestie, you feel everything isn’t as fine as it looks.

Yes, your friend needs you, listening and talking to someone close on a rough day about what they internally struggle with. 

With some nice responses let your friend know they can be honest with you.


How Do You Respond To “I’m Fine”?

The chilliest guy in your group seems a bit off today.

Or, that’s your partner returns home after work and is not in the best mood. 

They inform you they’re fine, and nothing to worry about.

But you know they’re not. 

Well, this person isn’t going to share it directly. 

So you better tell them to trust you and say what’s wrong going on inside them. 

And such are the responses for ‘I’m fine’, to your close friend or someone who isn’t ‘fine’ and you know that.

How Do You Respond To I’m Fine

1. “Do you really think I won’t notice that you’re not ‘fine’?”

Of course, you know that someone close to you isn’t in a good mood right now. 

You could ask, ‘Are you sure?’ but they will repeat again ‘I’m fine, don’t worry’.

Further on asking, they may get upset with you, too.

Instead of stretching things up, it’s better to just ask them. 

Because you’re very sure.

2. “No, you’re not. I know you more than anyone else.”

They might say ‘I’m fine’ to anyone else, but you’re not like others. 

Your connection is special and meaningful.

And you both know each other great enough.

This will comfort your friend or partner to talk about why they look sad today. 

3. “If you ask me, I will openly admit that I’m not fine at all.”

This person, your closest one, is in some pain, and can’t decide what to say or to whom. 

You’re with them, and to do anything you can. 

All because you want to make them smile again. 

But, letting them know that they’re not alone, is what makes them speak up. 

4. “I saw you were crying, that’s why I came to you, Okay.”

Show them you do care for them, more than they know.

And, you can’t be normal when they can’t.

In this rough time, we all need some support and someone to talk to. 

Well, you’re the one they can trust and talk with. 

5. “You’re fine for others. But not for me.”

Don’t make them forget that you two are each other’s support. 

As best friends, you’re family and even more than that. 

If it’s from some family issue or work-related, be there for a friend who isn’t acceptable at all.  

6. “Cool, how’s your day going, then?”

When this person isn’t going to share what happened, ask them something.

Maybe you could ask ’How was the interview today?’ or about their experience with the travel they come back from.

You’ve no idea what happened to them, but some questions will help them to talk openly.  

7. “Oh, you’re? So, I’m fine, too, just like you.”

With a clever response to ‘I’m fine, thanks’, your friend immediately will realize that you’re also in the same situation. 

Both are trying to look fine outside, but not inside. 

This way you give them a chance to open up and just release their frustration. 

8. “Do you want to go out with me? Let us have a ride.”

This person is strong and stubborn but is your friend after all. 

Knowing they’re not going to tell why they seem so sad right now, do something to make their mood up. 

Maybe you could watch your favorite sports, play games or take in the fresh air outside. 

When they keep saying ‘Don’t worry I’m good’, you better know something is serious. 

9. “You can fool others, but not me. Okay!”

You can relate to your bestie’s mood and feelings greatly.

Even if they tell you that they are fine, you already know something is going on.

This one is a caring reply to let them talk about it freely.


What Is The Meaning Of “I’m Fine”?

Generally, “I’m fine, thank you” is the most common response to ‘How are you today?’.

But with someone who says this, trying to look fine, but they’re not. 

Like your friend or partner, who is going through some challenges, and acts normal around you.

Being their true friend or caring partner, tell them that you already know something isn’t right. 

What To Say When Someone Says I’m Fine

Do it in a way that they feel comfortable sharing what happened.

Sometimes, people don’t want to talk to anyone that they’re struggling inside. 

In that time, they need someone next to them, to reassure them that ‘everything will be fine’, really.

We’ve discussed the best responses to “I’m fine” that will make your friend or the nearest one feel more relaxed. 

It makes them feel more comfortable to open up to you. 

Because you’re the one who can feel that when they’re really fine and not, even without saying. 


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