5 Better Answers To “Are You Currently Employed?”

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Ketan

Indeed, this is just a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer to the simplest interview question ‘Are you currently employed?’. 

There is nothing much to think about while answering it.

Better if you just share as it is.

If you’re employed somewhere, you can tell them where you work.

And, if you’re not, (Uncomfortable but) say it honestly that you’re not employed right now. 

With this question, the hiring company wants to check your experience and your track record in the industry. 

Most importantly, the way you answer it can lead to further conversation.

So, you should be mindful while responding to this question in the interview. 


How To Answer To “Are You Currently Employed”?

First of all, you shouldn’t be afraid to answer, it’s just a regular question. 

Especially if it’s for an interview, you want to make your answer direct and mainly genuine, either ‘Yes, I’m employed’ or ‘No, I’m not.’

That’s it.  

If you do feel not confident or try to form your response, you end up leaving a bad impression on the interviewer.

And, you certainly lose a chance to get a job.

So, whatever it is, just talk about things as they’re also confident. 

Next time, when someone asks you if you’re working or employed, these are some better examples to respond appropriately.

How To Answer To Are You Currently Employed

1. “Yes, I’ve been working at (current company name) for the last seven years. And, I like to explore new options available.” 

It’s fine if you already have a well-settled job but you’re looking for a new one. 

Further on asking for a reason to change jobs, you can give reason from career advancement and as a growth perspective.  

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2. “Well, I’m looking for my first job to get started.” 

When you are fresher and just begun your job hunting, this is the answer to give. 

Nothing to think much about, everyone has to start somewhere.

Right now, you’re looking for a first job to gain some experience and also understand the work. 

3. “I’ve attended some internship and training programs, but never worked full time before.” 

Be honest with whatever employment status you’ve. 

You might not have been employed elsewhere, but you have worked enough to find your area of interest. 

Discussing the training programs and internships you attended shows that you’re willing to learn and now want to implement that all into actual work.

5. “Am I employed? No. Actually, I am self-employed now.”

This answer is not for the interview, but when your ex-colleague asks if you working somewhere after a few years.

Or they may ask, ‘How is work going?’ regarding the same job.

You both worked in the same team and then you either changed or left your job for some reason. 

All these years, you’ve worked harder than ever and set yourself to a level where you don’t need to get employed anymore. 

But rather you’re employing others. 

Our wish is that may you get a chance to share this answer, after a few years for now.

All the best!

5. “No, I am not working right now. And, I think I’m trained enough to get employed.”

Your goal is to get a job that suits your education and qualifications. 

But, you’re not looking for any job, you know what you’re good at. 

The eagerness and seriousness that you show during the interview might catch the interviewer’s attention. 

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Indeed, searching for another job, while you already have one, has its advantages. 

Possibly, you are looking for a change or new job with better pay, you’re doing the right thing. 

But, having no job or losing one, isn’t anything that you should be ashamed of. 

As far as you are confident enough to share why aren’t you employed currently and say nothing but the truth, it won’t create any issues for you.  

Instead of presenting it as your past failure, give a positive response that you’re an optimist candidate who is excited about the job. 

Also, be the one who is ready for the future and very clear about it. 

You could also share your learnings and what career goals you’re aiming at. 

With the question ‘Are you currently employed?’ the interviewer is more interested to know about your work experience if any.

Further, they may ask about how you feel working in a company or at a certain role, that you just mention.

And if you don’t have any employment experience, they want to check how you answer this question.

Next, they want to know your plans with this career and the role you’ve applied for. 

So, this question isn’t just about your work track record, but also to check your confidence.


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