7 Sample Answers To “Can You Guarantee It?”

Last Updated on March 2, 2024 by Ketan

You’re so close to finalizing this deal.

But, this prospective client asks you ‘Can you guarantee it?’. 

Else, at an interview, they asked you to guarantee your work performance.  

Well, you might be confident in your services and abilities, but when someone asks if you guarantee it, this is challenging. 

It’s a crucial question to decide the results. 

So, you better deal with it carefully. 

In this post, we are sharing some sample answers to such guarantee-related questions that you may find hard to answer. 


How To Answer To “Can You Guarantee It”?

First thing, when a customer or interviewer asks if you guarantee your service quality or performance, it’s like they’re not convinced. 

For some reason, they don’t believe you.

They want the assurance, ‘a formal promise’ from you.   

You’re ready to do your best to provide service or to keep up the good work to their satisfaction level. 

How To Answer To Can You Guarantee It

But there are always conditions and different cases that could impact the quality and results. 

So, you can’t fully guarantee something at all. 

Nor do you want to give them fake promises. 

In that case, you better be honest and share what else you can do for them.

Make them aware of the conditions in which the guarantee works or not.

To make it more clear, you can refer to such good answers as ‘Can you guarantee it?’ while negotiating on something.

1. “What I can guarantee is that you will get full-service support from my end.” 

To a client or customer who has some sort of doubt about your offers, they may ask for a guarantee. 

If you give an answer like this, it shows that you guarantee to be there at any time for any help or assistance. 

Simply denying sounds negative, but this one will give your prospect confidence. 

2. “There are many conditions in that case. So, the guarantee you asked for, isn’t possible.” 

It’s risky to give them a fake promise when there is a condition. 

You better be honest with your policy and the other circumstances. 

Also, there’s a chance that some customers misuse such service guarantees.

So, it’s better to avoid giving guarantees of anything. 

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3. “I’m confident about our product and services. And, most customers are happy with this offer.” 

Every client has a different set of expectations and satisfaction levels. 

You can’t easily judge what they exactly want from your offer. 

But with this answer, you show that you’ve confidence in your offerings, as most of your customers have shared a satisfied experience. 

But you can’t guarantee that a customer or client will find it perfect. 

When Client Asks For Service Guarantee

4. “Sorry, but we don’t give guarantees about it. It’s not in our policy.” 

Sometimes it’s a good idea, to be honest about it and tell it clearly. 

You value the customer’s concerns. 

Also, you understand the meaning of the formal promise. 

So you can’t guarantee anything just for the sake of getting a deal. 

5. “If you want a guarantee about my services, I can give you that.” 

A client expresses their concern if your offer covers any guarantee. 

With just one doubt you don’t want to risk your entire deal. 

So, you can assure them of your best work and full support in case they need extra help. 

But you’re not giving a full guarantee. 

6. “Yes, I guarantee that I will do my best to justify my role in the team.” 

You’re asked about your guaranteed dedication to the job, in a team meeting. 

When you’re confident and believe that you can do your best, share the answer like this to show your confidence. 

That you’re aware of what’s expected and you can do that. 

A confident answer to share on receiving negative feedback from a boss

You can also share this to assure an interviewer to believe in you.

When Interviewer Asks For Performance Guarantee

7. “I can assure you that I will give my complete attention to this project.” 

A client might ask you if you guarantee a certain work level. 

You can’t guarantee it fully, nor do you want the client to feel that you’re not a reliable person for this job. 

So, this one is a good answer to tell them that you guarantee your dedication. 

READ NEXT: Formal Responses To ‘Thank You’ At Work



Even if you’re fully confident about your product, service, or work quality, just giving a ‘guarantee’ isn’t a good option. 

There are always situations and conditions. 

Based on that, the results might differ. 

If that’s the case, you need to discuss this with the client.

Also, learn what guarantees mean by them. 

Generally, you don’t want to give guarantees on anything when you’re unsure. 

But you can guarantee what you can do for them and can share the extra support you normally don’t provide to anyone. 

So, next time when you’re asked ‘Can you guarantee it?’ by a client, customer, or interviewer, be honest and share what you can do as part of your service or offer.  

But don’t give false promises or guarantees about anything. 


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