7 Good Replies To “Text Me When You Get Home”

Last Updated on January 28, 2024 by Ketan

After leaving late from a party or meeting, when someone says “Text me when you get home”, take it seriously.

Of course, you’re old and mature enough to care for yourself.

You also know the shortest route home.

But, that person tells you this, to make sure that you get home safe since it’s late at night. 

When it’s your parents, partner, office colleagues, or anyone telling you to text them as you get home, know that they are thinking of you.

Don’t take it too lightly. Their concern is genuine.

It only takes a respectful response to relax someone who thinks of your safety. 


How To Respond To “Text Me When You Get Home”?

As this person is concerned for you, they expect a call or text from you. 

To express your gratitude and respect for the care, respond with respect. 

How To Respond To Text Me When You Get Home

1. “Okay, I will inform you. Bye.”

You can’t just be ridiculous when someone is worried about you. 

Instead of making fun of their care for you, better you share this. 

2. “Sure, thank you for caring about me.”

Why don’t they, that person loves you.

If your long-distance partner tells you to inform them via text or call, you can give a cute response like this.

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3. “Please don’t worry about me. I will text you, I won’t forget.” 

You’ve visited your parents’ home on weekends and now you’re leaving. 

It is such a long journey and you see that your parents are concerned for you.

You can’t leave them so worried, tell them ‘you’ll be fine’. 

4. “I’ve already got a cab to the home. I’ll text you soon.”

While leaving the office late, when your colleague also tells you to inform them. 

It’s such a polite way to respond to relax those who care for your safety.

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5. “Nope, I won’t text you… But I will call you.”

Well, you had a date with your boyfriend and he told you to ‘Text me when you get home’.

It is such a cute gesture from him.

For this care, you better respond with a flirty reply like this.

6. “I’ve reached home already, ten minutes ago. What about you?”

After having a late-night party, sometimes your friends say the same thing.

Let them know that you are already home. 

So, ask them, if they reach home safely.

As you respond this way, you express that you also care about them back. 

7. “And, when you reach home, you don’t forget to text me, too.”

When you leave after your first date when a guy tells you to text him when you reach home, say something nice to him. 

You’re lucky to have a guy who cares about you. 

Appreciating that, you can also tell him to text you when reaches his home. 

Because you care about him equally. 

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What Do They Mean With It?

When someone says ‘Text me when you reach home’, they simply think of your safety as you’re leaving alone or it’s already late.

And, they expect a genuine response from you. 

Don’t make fun of their concerns. 

When someone tells you to text when reaching home

They love you, and that’s why they worry about you. 

So, whoever says so, you want your reply to make this person feel at ease. 

You’ve such people who think good for you and care genuinely

Make them feel confident about your safety. 

And, don’t just ignore such a sweet gesture from them from now on. 

Show your respect for the care and love they have for you.

Believe that you’re lucky to have them in your life.


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