(11 Best Replies) When Boss Says “Thank You”

Last Updated on March 1, 2024 by Ketan

Upon doing great work or solving a big issue, when your boss says “Thank you”, and you don’t know how to respond.

Because all you did was your duty. 

And, you get paid for that.  

Well, as your boss genuinely expresses their thankfulness, you better give sincere replies to acknowledge it. 

A normal response like “Welcome” or “My pleasure” doesn’t sound good here. 

If you want to say something respectful or formal, in this article you will find the best ways to respond to ‘Thanks’ from your boss. 


What To Say When Your Boss Says “Thank You”? 

Normally, most bosses don’t worry about thanking their employees for the job done well. 

Because it’s part of their job and there’s also no need to say it for every small thing. 

But your boss is different.

Well, you are lucky to have a boss who takes the time to express gratitude for being a hardworking employee and encourages you with a small gesture. 

So, anytime when the boss says thanks, take it as an appreciation for your work.  

Whether your boss says “Thank you” in person or over email, there are some best ways you can respond formally and respectfully.  

What To Say When Your Boss Says Thank You

1. “I’m happy that I can do my best for this project.”  

Your boss is so happy with your contribution to a project. 

It might be a challenging task.

But you did a great job and completed it perfectly. 

So when the boss expresses their thankfulness to you, you show that you’re happy with your performance, too. 

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2. “I couldn’t have done this without you, Boss.”

Here, your boss appreciates your exceptional work and thanks you for it. 

In return, you can mention their support and guidance in the process. 

This way, you show that you’re a team player and like to share credit for their help. 

3. “Your appreciation means a lot to me, Sir.”

Indeed, that’s a small appreciation from your boss when they say ‘thank you’. 

If they could, they would prefer not to say it, because it’s your job to do this. 

But the boss takes the time to write you a thank you mail here.

So, you express your genuine expression back while acknowledging it. 

4. “I think we made it possible because of the entire team’s best efforts.” 

You may be in charge of some projects and deliver work as expected. 

But when your boss expresses thankfulness, you like to mention everyone who contributed to this project as well. 

Such polite responses show that you give credit to your team and let your boss know that it’s not just your efforts alone.

Good Response To Thank You From Boss

5. “I’m always ready to do some challenging work.” 

This is the first time you have done something challenging and extra than your job. 

After making it perfectly, your boss couldn’t stop thanking you for that. 

This confident reply shows you’re always ready for such work. 

6. “Thanks, ma’am. It’s part of my job.” 

What you did is just part of your job and there’s nothing special or great.

But your boss still thanks you to make you feel appreciated. 

You can share this response to show that you’re happy to do your job and want them to not mention it. 

7. “Please don’t mention it, you hired me for this purpose.” 

To a boss with whom you have a good connection, this one is a different response. 

A slightly unique way to reply to “Thank you’ from a boss. 

You’re paid for it and you do it as part of your role.

So, there’s also no need to thank you for it. 

8. “But, first, I would like to thank you for this opportunity.” 

Without your boss’s trust in your abilities, you couldn’t do it. 

So it’s a good idea to thank your boss for giving you this chance.

Such a sincere response to acknowledge the boss’s thankfulness. 

Formal Response To Boss's Thank You Mail

9. “Welcome, boss. I just played my part. That’s all.” 

Show that you’re happy to work there and do your job right.

Your boss thanks you for the work you deliver because they are impressed. 

With such a response you express that you know your job right and your boss can trust you for the same or more work. 

10. “I’m glad that you recognize my work.”

Certainly, it’s good to hear when your superior appreciates your work. 

By thanking you, your manager or boss makes you feel respected at your job. 

 Show how it makes your day at work and how valuable you feel with such a kind gesture. 

11. “Thank you for always being supportive, boss.”

Your boss or manager has worked on you and helped you to do your best

With every support and encouragement you get, you’re thankful for your boss.

And, when your boss says thank you for doing great, this is the time you mention how their training helped you. 

12. (Funny one!) “So, can I ask for the salary increment now?”

Nope, you’re not going to say that. 

But you wish you could respond like this to your boss, right?

To a friendly boss, you can still reply. 

And hopefully, they will take it seriously this time.  

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When Boss Thanks You For Doing Your Job

Indeed, you won’t think much when your boss or manager doesn’t thank you for doing something as part of your job. 

You’re getting paid a salary and this is the work you normally do. 

So it doesn’t much affect you. 

Well, this is a small gesture that makes you feel respected at work. 

When Boss Thanks You For Doing Your Job

Like your boss takes time to thank you for some help or your work, you also show your genuine expression for such a small but kind gesture. 

Even though what you do comes under your job role, you can also give formal and sincere responses when the boss says “Thank you” in person or the mail. 

Acknowledge the support and respect they give you at work. 

Such small things encourage you to work harder even more than the salary. 


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