12 Professional Ways To Say “This Is Your Job (Not Mine)” At Work

Last Updated on February 3, 2024 by Ketan

You might have a good reason.

But saying ‘This is your job, not mine’, is always unprofessional and rude at work. 

There are times when your coworkers, boss, or manager approach you with a request, which is not part of your job role or responsibility. 

In that case, you feel the urge to tell them ‘That’s not my responsibility’ clearly. 

And, if you say so, you might sound unsupportive, unprofessional, and mean to your coworker, or manager, consequently. 

Just be mindful of how you say it.

To maintain a sound connection, here we’re sharing the professional ways to say “That’s your job” to deny their request to perform their task.


How To Professionally Say “This Is Your Job, Not Mine”? 

Your job roles and responsibilities are clear, and you’ve enough work to handle.

But your coworkers sometimes come with tasks for you.

Clearly, it’s their job and not yours. 

Sometimes, even your boss often expects too much and wants you to get something that is beyond your qualification. 

In all these cases, you want to inform them that it’s not their job, not yours.

Considering all such scenarios, let’s discuss how to say ‘This is your job’ to your coworker when they want you to do extra work for them.

So these are some professional alternatives to say so clearly and politely.  

1. “I wish I could help, but I’m already occupied with this important work. And, the boss wants it done EOD.”

Fine, you can use the common excuse to prevent the extra work from the manager or coworker. 

Tell them that you’re so busy with your work. That you have no time to do anything outside. 

This one is the right thing to say when a coworker needs help with a time-consuming task. 

You also have to look at your work schedule.  

2. “Well, this work is beyond my role. I’m not handling such an assignment. My job is different from yours.” 

To avoid that work that’s not part of your job, you can say you’re not comfortable with it. 

There’s nothing to worry about saying that you don’t know such a thing. Or not handle such an important task. 

So, if a coworker comes to you for assistance, tell them it’s your job, but mine. 

They should find ways to get it done. 

Because you do not know about this project or this task. 

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3. “I’m happy to help you. But our team leader has assigned this task to you, and you should do it. If you have any questions, you can ask him.”

Some coworkers first take the work beyond their qualifications, to impress their boss. 

But when they get stuck, they look for someone to help them out. Or get it done for others. 

If you know that your coworker is the same, this is how you politely inform them that it’s your job and not mine. 

4. “Sorry, I’m not available to offer help. This time I’m working on a project that’s top priority.” 

You can help them and you know what to do in those conditions. 

But you’re already on a deadline and working on other work priorities. That is more important than this coworker’s task. 

You can’t waste your time and focus on any other tasks. 

So, to make your response sound polite, you can say this. 

5. “Well, I’m not the right person to help you here. Let me forward your mail to him. I’m sure he can guide you better than me.” 

Your new coworker who just joined the team approaches you for some assistance beyond your role. 

Instead of leaving them confused with ‘This is not my job’, you direct them to the right person for this job. 

If you can’t help them, then make an arrangement. 

By directing them to the right person you make the situation comfortable for them. 

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6. “I’ve guided you and shown you the way to do it. Now, you have to do the rest of the work yourself.” 

It happens that you’re assigned to train a new teammate and help them through. 

Of course, you can share help when they need it. 

But after some time, they need to know how to do such minor tasks themselves. 

But if they still rely on the task which they can handle now. 

So, this is how to tell them that ‘This is your job and not mine.’ to make them understand it.

7. “This work is beyond my competency. I think we should consider the advice of someone who handles this every day.” 

Your boss might have no idea that this work is way beyond your qualifications. 

But because you’re his trusted employee, he insists that you do something. 

So, instead of saying ‘That’s not my job or you’re not paying me for it’. this is the professional and better way to say it. 

8. “I’m not available to do it for you. You can start it yourself and if you need some guidance you can ask.” 

You notice that this coworker is relying on you for every task. 

Which is their job, not yours. 

To make them do their work independently, try not to help them with everything.  

With this polite reply, you tell them to start doing the work. 

But you’re to assist them but not to do something for them. Because this is not your job. 

9. “Oh, it’s kind of a technical job beyond my qualification. It’s not me but I know someone who can help.” 

If you want an effective alternative to ‘This is not my job.’ You can use this. 

Instead of taking responsibility beyond your area, it is better if the right person does it. 

This response you can share with your coworker or manager when they mistakenly approach you for a task that is not part of your job.

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10. “Let me share some guides and helpful videos in that case. That would be more helpful to get it done.” 

Some coworkers just never learn lessons despite being at work for a long time. 

They approach you for every small task that they could easily handle. 

To make them do their job next time, you share the helpful guide.

So, they can learn from it. 

You could say ‘This is your job now’ but this way you help them for the final time. 

11. “Let me share your case with our customer care, they are the right department to resolve your queries.” 

This is your regular client or customer who needs your help.

You’re in a sales department, and right now customer care can help them with their issue. 

You could say ‘It’s not my responsibility’ or ‘This is not my job’ to your valuable client.

But, you know that’s not the right thing to say.

So, being professional, you share their issue or complaint with the customer care department. 

12. “I think it would be better if you do it yourself. This is part of your training process. Don’t worry, I know you can do it.” 

A new coworker might need constant guidance and support to get used to the work. 

But after some time, they should learn how to get the regular work and tasks assigned. 

You can’t be there forever to get something for them. 

You have some work to do at your job. 

So you politely inform them that ‘This is your job and not mine any more’. 

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When a manager comes with tasks outside of your responsibility and qualification, remain professional while handling such extra work requests. 

There’s no point in being frustrated.  

A coworker who wants you to do something for them. Their request interrupts your work schedule. 

It’s fine to politely tell them “That’s your job, you should do it”. 

Indeed, you’re a team player, but when it’s not your responsibility, you should say it clearly. 

Instead of just looking supportive and making everyone happy at the workplace, don’t take extra work or tasks beyond your responsibility. 

These polite and professional ways to say ‘This is your job and not mine’ are effective options to reduce any burden that you’re not responsible for. 

After all, you already have your job and you want to do it with complete focus.


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