29 Best Replies To “What’s Good(WSG)?” In Text

  • February 10, 2024

Last Updated on February 10, 2024 by Ketan

Instead of saying ‘How’s it going?’ or ‘How’s your day?’, someone says ‘What’s good(WSG)’ in text, which deserves a new reaction. 

If you don’t text often, you must be wondering how to respond to WSG in text.

Well, if you even don’t know what WSG in chat means, it simply means ‘What’s Good?’.

It’s like saying ‘How are you?’ but over text. 

To avoid any embarrassment of not knowing what to reply, here in this post, we share with you the best replies to ‘WSG’ message.

And, that you can choose according to who you’re chatting with.


Funny Replies To “WSG” In Text

When you get a ‘What’s good’ message from your friend, you could tell them what’s new with you or how you feel at the time. 

But you don’t want to make it a regular conversation. 

So, here are some witty and funny responses to share to ‘What’s Good?’ text from someone you can joke with. 

Funny Replies To WSG In Text

1. “Nothing good can happen to someone who has a friend like you.” 

Don’t worry, your friend will know you’re just joking with them. 

But don’t reply this way to someone who takes it personally.

2. “Everyone except me. I’m just a bad person!”

You’re not in a good mood today. 

But you can be honest with your bestie about how it’s going.

3. “The Italian food. They are so good. Let me tell you that.” 

It’s just a direct answer to ‘What’s good?’ when someone asks so. 

You can also share the answer based on what’s on your mind at the time,

And, what thing is good according to you. 

4. “Well, the good thing is the weekend is just here.” 

When your office friend asks ‘What’s good?” this is what you want to respond to. 

This week is already so busy and all you hope for is a good weekend

5. “Even if I tell, does that make any difference?” 

That’s really a valid point to respond to. 

And, your friend will agree on this part. 

As this is nothing going to change or help them anyway. 

6. “All is well and good. Nothing new today.” 

There is not much to discuss on your end. 

Your life is going as fine or the same as it used to be. 

7. “Life. Life is good, man! No complaints. anymore”

You finally admit that life is good

There might be some bad days, but you know there’s always some good about it. 

8. “Nothing much, just doing regular things. What about you?” 

You and your buddies chat regularly and they approach you with WSG text.

This time you have no more things to discuss. 

So ask them what’s new or good with them today in return. 

9. “Seems like you’re having a good day, what are you doing?”  

You already get that vibe that your friend is in a good mood. 

It’s better to discuss something really good to make it a great day for both together. 

10. “Better if we talk about it in person and not in text. Are you available?” 

When you don’t want to talk about it over chat, you share your interest to catch up soon

11. “Can you please explain what WSG means? I’m not good at texting.” 

You really don’t know or just ask exactly what your friend wants to ask. 

12. “What? Who told you that there’s something good with me?” 

No, there’s nothing good about me. Sorry. 

Before they ask too many questions about your promotion or a new job, you just have to stop them there.

13. “Life is good. I’m feeling better after a long time.” 

You’re sharing an update of your mood and day with this friend. 

14. “How do I know? You tell me what’s good about me?”

You want to hear some compliments from your friend. 

So, you use this response to ask them, in the hope to hear something good about you. 

Because you don’t want to sound like a narcissist, calling yourself good anyway. 


Flirty Replies To “WSG(What’s Good)” In Text

When you’re chatting with your crush or someone over a dating site, you should know what to say when you get ‘What’s good?’ message. 

A guy or girl who texts you ‘WSG’, they use it as a conversation starter. 

And, because you’re developing interest in each other, make your every interaction special.  

So, here are some flirty responses to share when you get WSG from a guy or girl you’ve been chatting with lately. 

Flirty Replies To What's Good In Text

1. “You are good. Everything about you is good.” 

Compliment your crush, when she texts ‘What’s good?’. 

At the time, you tell her that ‘I’m thinking about you’, and share something cute you like about her. 

2. “I’m happy that a good person like you is in my life.”

By responding this way to a guy, you admire his good qualities and supportive nature. 

3. “With the presence of people like you, my life is already good.” 

You consider yourself lucky that you’ve someone like them who takes care of you. 

4. “How can anything feel good, when you’re not with me.”

Share this cute reply with your crush or girlfriend, when she asks WSG in text. 

Eventually, this could be your invitation to come over to your place. 

If that feels right, you can add that.

5. “Before your message nothing was good. Now, I’m feeling all good.” 

If you’re chatting with your match on a dating site, this could be a flirty response to share. 

Show that you feel good as you get a message from her

6. “Doing nothing. I’m just looking for a good person to go on a date with.” 

Tell this to your crush or new match on a dating site. 

Hopefully, they will realize that you’re hitting on them with this text.

7. “Everything is good except your pick-up line.” 

A guy might use ‘what’s good’ to approach you over a dating site. 

So this way you just roast his pickup line that isn’t that great. 

But you still like that he texts you at least. 

8. “Feeling so good. Because, finally you start the chat.” 

You feel great already as you get the first message from someone. 

This is how to respond to let your crush know that you’ve been waiting a long.


Sarcastic Responses To “What’s Good” Text

You might not enjoy chatting with everyone, but someone drags you into it. 

And, even when they ask “What’s good?” message, you feel nothing good to share. Obviously.

Well, fine, if you’re not interested in talking about anything with someone. 

But if they always hit you with the same message, you can respond sarcastically to their ‘WSG’ text. 

Sarcastic Responses To What’s Good Message

1. “Everything and everyone is good. I hope you will, too, someday.”  

You’re hoping or actually praying that this person will be a good person someday.

2. “My mood. But please, not today.”  

You’re literally telling them that you’re having a great day, and not wanting any interruption from them.

Else, you can also tell them ‘I’ll talk to you later’ if you don’t want any conversation.

2. “Why are you asking, Do you want to make it worse?” 

This person is a troublemaker in your life. 

You expect nothing good from them, so you don’t share what’s good even in text. 

4. “How do you know there’s something good? Do you follow me?” 

This person must keep an eye on you and everything that’s good in your life. 

5. “I don’t want to share anything good with you.” 

Whether it is good or bad, your response clearly says ‘Please, Leave me alone’. 

If they will stay away, that would be good. 

Actually, even great for you. 

6. “Why should I tell you? Huh!”

When you get WSG from a jerk, this would be an appropriate response to share. 

7. “I’m not going to tell you. You mess it up like always.” 

And, that’s what they’re good at. 

But you finally learned a lesson that you shouldn’t share anything good with them. 


How To Respond To “What’s Good?” Text?

Most people use “What’s good?” questions to start a conversation. 

But, not everyone is familiar with what it means and how to respond to it right. 

Alright, if you can’t exactly relate to this question. 

It’s indeed confusing to figure out what this person is talking about. 

How To Respond To What's Good Text

You can just reply as ‘I’m good’, ‘All is well’ the same response you give to ‘How are you?’. 

But as this person tries something new to approach you, you should have some better replies to ‘What’s good’ (WSG) in the text. 

To make it an engaging and interesting chat, consider using funny or flirty replies here.

You be mindful of the connection you’ve with them, before choosing your way to respond. 


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