6 Nice Replies To “How’s Everyone At Home?”

Last Updated on January 26, 2024 by Ketan

On a random meeting with your relatives or former neighbors, they might ask you ‘How’s everyone at home?’.

They still think of your family and ask about them, which is a nice gesture.  

To respond normally, you can tell them, ‘They’re good’ or ‘We’re all fine’. 

Plus, if you want your connection to be more genuine, there are some better ways to respond to it.


How To Reply To “How’s Everyone At Home?”

This is someone you met after such a long time. 

Your conversation starts from saying ‘long time no see’ to how your life changed all these years. 

And if they are familiar with your family they also ask ‘How’s everyone in your family doing?’ 

When you want your reply to be more lively, here is what you can say in response. 

How To Reply To How's Everyone At Home

1. “Everyone is just great as usual.”

There’s no change, you all are still the same.

You’re informing them everyone is as awesome as you all used to be. 

2. “Fine. We just missed you a lot.”

Let this person know that you didn’t miss them and occasionally rewind memories you shared. 

This is such a nice gesture to make this person feel connected to your family. 

3. “They’re perfect family members.”

After marriage, when you get a call from your parents, asking, ‘How’s everyone at home?’.

It means, how your in-laws are in nature.

Here you excitedly inform your parents. how your in-laws welcomed you to the family and made you feel comfortable at home.

4. “Why don’t you come home and see them yourself?”

This is a much more welcoming response that you’re inviting this person to your home. 

They care about your family and you too treat them as one of you, still. 

5. “We are doing great. How about you and your family?”

When someone asks ‘How are you (all)?’, they mean your entire family included in another way.

This is indeed such a nice response to inform you all are fine. 

6. “We’re trying to adjust. But, honestly, we’re missing you a lot here.”

You meet your old neighbors after such a long time. 

In discussion, they care to know how your family is doing at your new home. 

With this good reply, you inform that, you all might have moved to a new place, but everyone in your family still remembers them. 

Because you’ve spent a significant time together. 

READ NEXT: How To Respond To ‘Respect Your Elders’?



When someone asks ‘How’s everyone at home?” they mean, ‘your family’ and everyone in it. 

This person is caring to know the well-being of your entire family. 

Because you’re meeting after such a long time. 

And this is mostly coming from someone who relates to your family personally. 

Make your replies more exciting. 

This says itself, you might not be together right now, but the strong connection is still there, like it was before.


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