7 (Savage Replies) When Someone Says “You Have An Attitude”

Last Updated on January 26, 2024 by Ketan

Well, you are confident about yourself. Also, you consider others’ feelings around you. 

Still, when someone says “You have an attitude” that leaves you surprised, unsure of what to say and how to explain to them. 

Some try to present your ‘confidence’ as an attitude issue. 

You might think of yourself first. But also, never treat everyone badly. 

But to some people, you’ve to respond in their ways. 

It’s alright. You can’t be good to everyone. 

Sometimes, you must show your attitude to keep rude or sarcastic people at a distance. 


What To Say When Someone Says “You Have An Attitude”?

First thing, those who say ‘You have an attitude problem’, possibly they feel insecure, irritated, or intimidated by your ‘growing confidence’.

By making such comments more often, they try to control you. 

So, it’s a good idea to have something savage to say.

Especially when you know that you’ve no attitude, but that’s your confidence, you can’t make such a comment seriously. 

To handle it well, here are savage comebacks to give when someone has an issue with your ‘attitude’. 

What To Say When Someone Says You Have An Attitude

1. “Wow, I have an attitude? That’s the first time someone said that to me.” 

The point to say this is- if you have an attitude, everyone feels the same. 

You might get the same gesture from at least some people. 

But, only this person is the one who informs you about your attitude issue. 

That means this person is jealous of your confidence or attitude, whatever they say.

2. “If you’ve some problem with my attitude, that is your problem. Not mine.” 

You know this person always tries to present to you like there’s something wrong with you.

Actually, this person is insecure and finds flaws in everyone.

You’re not going to take them seriously. 

Also, how they see you or what they just said about your attitude, that’s not your job, but theirs. 

3. “That’s who I was, I am and I always will be. I can’t change myself for you, Dear.”

Someone tells you that ‘you’ve so much attitude and you need to change that.’ 

There’s no way you’re going to change yourself for anyone. 

Mostly relatives who can’t stop giving you unsolicited advice on everything you do. 

But with this clever reply, you tell them that you don’t see any problem with that. 

4. “Either you be with me or not, I don’t mind at all.” 

A friend who starts to behave jealous around you, wants you to lower your confidence. 

They mean your attitude is a problem. 

Well, your confidence is what makes you feel positive about yourself.

And, you know what to do in your life and how to improve, 

You don’t care how others judge you, that’s what this clever reply says. 

5. “To me, the main problem here is your insecurity rather than my attitude.” 

Some people just can’t see you change for the better. 

Means seeing you becoming successful, hurts them.

They’re happy as long as you stay the same. 

As you start to improve or earn more they feel insecure for no reason. 

You don’t see it as a race. But they are. 

Be clear with them that it’s not you the problem but their insecurity is.

Savage Reply To You Have An Attitude

6. “You might think that I’m trying to be better than you. but I am just being myself and never competing with anyone. Especially not with you.” 

Whatever you do or how much you earn, it is just for yourself and not to prove to anyone. 

But these people, especially friends, are not going to understand that.

As time changes, your personality and behavior change. 

Such friends take it as an attitude for no reason. 

Fine, if that’s how they believe now. You better go on without them. 

7. “Well, I’m doing nothing, I just treat people like they treat me at first.” 

Those are crazy people out there, who first show you an attitude. 

But when you return them double, they get mad at you, calling it an attitude. 

Some people just can’t understand how it makes others feel until it happens to them. 

You don’t need these people around. 

So better if you make it clear that ‘I’m just doing what you do to me first hand.’ 

READ NEXT: Funny Replies To ‘Seriously?’



When your nearest friends or family tell you that ‘Your attitude is a problem’, you must verify it yourself. 

If you really act too much and that creates issues for others, then apologize and change your behavior. 

That’s the first thing to do. 

But on the other hand, when someone says ‘You have an attitude’ and it shows their insecurity or jealousy, use these savage comebacks to say something clearly. 

Especially when a handful of people say so, that means your confidence is irritating them. 

Well, that’s not your problem at all. 

They need to change their attitude and not compare themselves with anyone. 

Remember, whether you have an attitude or not, you’re what you’re.

They have to accept that. And, you don’t have to change that.


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