18 Best Answers To “How Is Home?”

Last Updated on January 18, 2024 by Ketan

Upon meeting your connection randomly, they may ask you “How is home?”.

Maybe they are familiar with your family or not, but this is a thoughtful gesture. 

With this question, they hope to hear about your family and how you’re doing at the new place.

In a simple response, you could just say ‘We’re good’ or ‘All is well’. 

Whereas, sometimes you wish you could try better answers that add positively to the conversation.


How To Answer To “How Is Home”? 

Well, based on your connection and how close you are to someone asking ‘How’s home?’, you can answer to it. 

Your relatives or former neighbors may ask this on random encounters.   

Even, your ex-friend or someone from work also cares to ask about your family and everyone at your place. 

If you think of some better ways to answer “How’s home?”, here are some options:

How To Answer To How Is Home

1. “We are all doing great together.” 

A response to a casual connection, but it feels positive. 

You tell this person that you and your family are adjusting and living well in a new place. 

2. “Life is good when family is good, Right?” 

You and your friends now have a family. 

As you are more focused on giving a family the best life, this response feels good.

And, that friend might agree to it.  

3. “Awesome as we were used to.” 

There’s no change in your lifestyle and nature being a new place. 

You’re all enjoying life and having fun.

A funny response for a friendly or casual chat with a former connection.

4. “We are trying at this new place, but we are good.” 

You recently moved to a new home in a new area. 

So as they ask ‘How’s home?’, you can tell them that you all taking time to adjust to a new locality. 

But things are good so far. 

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5. “Doing good, but we often miss you there a lot.” 

This response you can give to your ex-neighbor. 

You might be in a new place, but your family often mentions the old memories of living with them. 

6. “Why don’t you come with me, my home is just nearby.” 

An inviting response to someone who asks about your home. 

This expresses the personal comfort and happiness in taking them to your new home. 

7. “My parents are missing you a lot at the new house.” 

This is a good response to express them that you see them as part of your family

To a friend who used to come to your home, you can share this response.

It shows familiarity along with friendship. 

READ NEXT: Better Replies To ‘How Are Your Parents?’

8. “Come with me, everyone would be so happy to meet you again.” 

So this is your long-lost connection. 

On a sudden meetup, they ask about how’s home. 

Next, you excitedly tell them to come to your place. 

9. “Like always, The great one.” 

You can share this response with your friends or relatives who are familiar with your family. 

They know how you were. 

And so this response expresses that you’re still the same. 

Good Reply To How Is Home

10. “Home is not as great as we thought, but comfortable enough.” 

You might be moving to a new home, but there’s something amiss. 

That’s fine

You don’t think much of it, as you feel comfy though. 

11. “I have to say that it’s great to have a home.” 

You feel grateful and proud that you’ve your own home now. 

It’s a nice response to share with someone who genuinely asks how your home is. 

12. “Couldn’t argue more about it.” 

Maybe you talk about the concerns with others. 

So that you no longer want to talk about it.

This is a clever response to hint that you’re not feeling the best, but good enough.

13. “Everyone is just happy and healthy at home.” 

As someone asking you how’s home, this means how your family doing. 

You update them about your family’s sound well-being. 

14. “Good, as I have nothing to complain about.” 

You might have had some concerns earlier, but you don’t feel like one. 

So the new home is just good. 

15. “I met them after such a long time. So happy to see them now every day.” 

It’s been a long time since you haven’t been with your family. 

But now you are. 

So when your friends or someone asks over text, ‘How is home?’, you can give this positive answer.

16. “We have planned to invite you to our place this weekend.”

This isn’t surprising but you have planned this before. 

And suddenly you met them at the right time. 

So this response expresses your anticipation to have them at your place. 

17. “I think we are much better now.” 

So, being in a new place improves your life. 

You inform your connection that you feel better in life as you own a house now. 

18. “Seeing them happy now, I admit that I have made the right decision.

Buying a home really takes a lot of time and struggle for you. 

But as you have ‘your home’, you express happiness about this achievement. 

Give this response to someone who encouraged you to own a home. 

READ NEXT: Clever Responses To ‘What Are You Doing?’


What Does “How’s Home” Mean?

Well, when someone asks “How’s home” they mean to know about your new place, that you just moved to. 

Also, here ‘home’ means your family and every member. 

They want to know how your new place is and how your family is doing now in life. 

This question comes from someone well aware of your family. 

What Does How's Home Mean

So they could be your relatives, neighbors, or friends. 

When it comes to answering ‘How is home?’ you could try the shared best responses for the same. 

It’s up to you to decide the perfect ways to respond based on your connection and comfort to talk about this with someone. 

Decide what you want to share about your home or family with them.


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