15 Funny Responses To Unwanted Texts You Can’t Ignore

  • February 23, 2024

Last Updated on February 23, 2024 by Ketan

Like unsolicited advice from relatives, unwanted texts from strangers are equally irritating (or maybe more).

On social media or dating sites, you might meet someone who bombards your inbox with constant annoying or dumb messages. 

Maybe they attempt to get your attention.

Obviously, you may have tried to ignore their texts.

But that didn’t work well. 

Sometimes, you want to respond jokingly to make fun of them.

If not, then somehow you wish to make them stop texting you again. 

So, here we’re discussing how to reply to unwanted texts from someone that you barely know or you chatted enough with. 

And that, you don’t want to text them anymore.  


Funny Responses To Unwanted Texts

Here are the humorous ways to handle unwanted texts that make no sense to you. 

Either you’re angry at these messages, and with such witty replies are to inform that you’re not taking them any seriously. 

Hopefully, after that, they no longer bother you with their messages.  

Funny Responses to Unwanted Texts

1. “I think you really need to take a course on ‘How To Text’ first.”

And yes, the course must not only teach them how to text but also at what time and especially to whom to text. 

Because this person is spamming everyone. 

2. “Well, don’t expect a proper response from me, thank you.” 

Every time they share something the messages are incomplete or stupid to bear.

You just don’t know what kind of textual connection they expect from you. 

But, you’re cleverly saying that whatever their intention is, you don’t care. 

3. “So you think that I will ever text back you, huh?”

You could at least say to them ‘Good luck’ or ‘It may take a lot of patience’. 

Because you’re not going to respond to their unwanted text ever. 

4. “I don’t think that I’m the right person for this text. Try it on someone else.”’

This person is trying to get your attention by saying something stupid. 

But they don’t know that you’ve never taken them seriously. 

And, maybe someone might be affected by this message. 

5. “Nope, that’s never going to happen. So, please stop dreaming!”

On dating sites, you might get an invitation for a situation-ship or a one-night stand.

If you want to say no to FWB or any proposal, say it without any hesitation. 

6. “The person you’re trying to text is not interested in anything from you.”

Being witty you tell this person clearly that it’s now ‘over’. 

No more talk, no more unwanted texts.

You’re not expecting any of it, anymore. 

7. “It’s not like I don’t know how to respond, I really don’t want to disrespect you.”

Eventually, you are not annoyed, you know how to react. 

But what you are about to say might offend them more than what they ever did to you. 

Maybe you are giving them a last chance to improve.  

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘Good Evening’ Wishes?


Sarcastic Responses To Unwanted Texts

There’s always someone who won’t stop texting you promotional or forwarded messages. 

You have told them already to stop it but they’re not still.

Possible that they do the same to many others. 

You could just block them to prevent them from sending any text to you again. 

But sarcasm won’t just shut them down but also make them feel embarrassed for what they’re doing actually. 

Sarcastic Responses To Unwanted Texts

1. “How can you be so annoying, that’s too much.”

Whatever this person does, they’re good at it. 

You’re not enjoying it because they’re doing it at an unbearable level. 

You rather want them to do the same to someone but you. 

2. “I’m not kidding, but you’re so stupid to do that.” 

Because only a mad person has the guts to do such a crazy act. 

You could also ask ‘How crazy are you?’ to inform them that whatever they do is beyond maturity or intelligence. 

3. “I didn’t mean to ignore you but that’s the best response to give.”

And this person deserves such a response from literally everyone they text. 

Because whatever they text makes no sense. 

Either that’s too much or just so dumb. 

4. “How can you say that, we just barely know each other?”

Those are the online bullies who just want to destroy others who are doing good. 

When you grow your brand on social media, you might come across them.

To handle them cleverly, this response is enough to insult them back. 

5. “If there’s no right thing to say, better you say nothing at all.”

You’re not expecting any right thing from this person. 

Every time they say that, it’s nonsense and something that makes no one happy. 

Instead, it’s better that someone makes them shut up forever. 

6. “Enough hearing from you. I think we should just never talk again.”

You can’t (you should) never tolerate people who are trying to test your limits. 

Earlier, you told them not to talk to you again.

But this time it’s right when you say it to them clearly giving them a chance. 

7. “Talking to you is like wasting my time and the positive mood of the day.”

Tell them how ignorant they are. 

You want to meet some like-minded people on a dating site.

And this person is just the complete opposite of what you’re looking for. 

So Cleary tells them that you’re not going to see or text them again.  

8. “Let me tell you that’s the dumb way to make a first impression.”

If they think that with such message they can impress you, they are so wrong.

You make it clear that how their texts made you feel.

That you don’t want them to send it again.

And, inform them that their approach has failed.

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When Someone Sends You Unwanted Messages

If you come across those online bullies, ignorant or stupid people who can’t stop sending you unwanted texts again and over again, the last way is to just block them. 

But, that’s an easy process that you can do in no time. 

Whereas such funny and sarcastic responses to unwanted texts make your points clear and eventually inform them whatever they’re doing isn’t right. 

Who knows maybe with your witty responses, that person no longer annoys anyone with their unwanted text messages. 

Indeed, you shouldn’t give them much attention.

But your responses should be witty and sarcastic which works as an honest opinion to make them stop doing it.

In the end, this will not only save you but many others. 


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