47 Savage (& Funny) Responses To “What Are You Doing?”

  • February 19, 2024

Last Updated on February 19, 2024 by Ketan

When nothing to ask, your friend often asks “What are you doing?” even though he clearly can see it. 

Such formalities make no sense. 

So instead of replying with ‘Nothing’ or sounding irritated, you could try some better replies. 

In this article, we are sharing you with the funny, sarcastic, andsavage responses when (friend or) someone asks you “What are you doing?” even if they know it.

Just be sure that this won’t hurt their feelings and they know you’re in a fun mood.


Funny Responses To “What Are You Doing?”

You literally doing nothing at the moment, when your bestie texts you ‘What are you doing?’. 

To have some fun with the situation, check out the funny ways to respond to it. 

Funny Responses To What Are You Doing

1. “I’m doing what you’re doing here. What are we doing?” 

2. “You won’t understand it. This is way beyond your intelligence.” 

3. “Did you catch me doing something? (After they say no) Then I’m doing nothing.” 

4. “I don’t know, I think I was doing something, but now I’m not.” 

5. “Can’t you see where we are right now?”

6. “I was just thinking about how to block you from life.”

7. “Oh, as you’re here, I think I should leave now.”

8. “Doing the same as I used to. If you know what I mean.” 

9. “Time pass. Nothing else.” 

10. “If I will tell you, you won’t believe me.” 

11. “I’m in the middle of something, Can I answer that later?”

12. “Something that I had to do a long ago.” 

13. “I’m doing what you also need to do, but you will never.” 

14. “Based on the time, you can guess what I might be doing right now.” 

15. “I’m doing something, but it’s not the right time to tell you this.”

READ NEXT: Witty Responses To ‘Maybe’ Text


Savage Replies To “What Are You Doing?”

You are annoyed with the long boring day or irritated due to some other reason. 

Then, there’s your best friend teasing you by asking what you are doing right now. 

So, here are the savage responses that will express your frustration.

Savage Replies To What Are You Doing

1. “Just reminding the old (good) times before we met.”

2. “What do you need? Whatever it is, I am not available.”

3. “Making some new roasts for you, wanna hear?”

4. “I’m popping the pimple, what to teach me how to do it right?” 

5. “Talking to you over the phone, obviously.” 

6. “Chatting with you and your girlfriend at the same time.” 

7. “Be quiet, I’m trying to do something.”

8. “Trying to complete the food before you come here.” 

9. “That’s none of your business.” 

10. “I am focusing on myself rather than sneaking into others.” 

11. “Answering your question.” 

12. “I do nothing, I just retired from doing anything.” 

13. “Living my life carelessly.”

14. “I’m brainstorming ideas to get rid of the stupid people.” 

15. “Hoping that you will talk about something good at least today.”

16. “What would you do if I don’t want to tell you that?”


Sarcastic Answers To “What Are You Doing?”

This is the wrong time someone asks you what you do, or you’re not in the mood to talk about it.

In that case, you can try these sarcastic responses for ‘What are you doing’, even though they know or can see it. 

Just be sure that you share this with someone who doesn’t take you seriously, like your friends. 

Sarcastic Answers To What Are You Doing

1. “Sshh, I’m doing just… nothing, just like you!”

2. “Listening to the songs ‘All my friends are toxic’…” 

3. “Reading a blog about ‘How to avoid nonsense in life?’”

4. “I was just looking at the stupid post you just shared.” 

5. “Trying to get over with what you did yesterday.” 

6. “Work. Have you ever heard this term before?” 

7.  “Please tell me what do you want from me this time.” 

8. “Just waiting for this stupid conversation to be over.”

9. “I’m waiting for the day when you return my money.”  

10. “Why do you want to know about it?” 

11. “I’m doing many things, what are you talking about?”

12. “I don’t think I have to give you an update on everything I do.” 

13.“Well, I just do my thing.”

14. “Making bubbles from the soap foam.”

15. “I’m just wasting my time like you do.”

16. “You don’t need to know it all. So just chill.”

READ NEXT: Comical Answers To ‘How Can I Help You?’


How To Respond To “What Are You Doing”?

Well, when someone asks “What are you doing?” either they want to know about it or they say it just casually to have some chat. 

Based on your connection and situation, there are many ways you can answer it. 

In this post, we have shared the sarcastic, savage, and funny answers to give when a friend asks “What are you doing?” in person or over text. 

How To Respond To What Are You Doing

This is just to have some fun when you’re feeling bored or doing literally nothing. 

In normal cases, when someone politely asks, you just share what you are doing. 

But with your friendly connection, you could share creative replies like these to have fun. 

And, any of the responses shared here are the better choice.


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