11 Formal Responses To “Roger That”

  • February 15, 2024

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Ketan

Have that person at work habit of saying “Roger that” to every work order.

Their style of acknowledging your mail, message, or guide is unique. 

So why not try some polite but formal responses to keep the same vibe alive? 

In this article, we will share some of the professional ways to respond to ‘Roger that’ at the workplace. 


How To Respond To “Roger That”?

When someone says “Roger that” they confirm your mail receipt

Also, they agree to do what you suggest or want them to do. 

Whether it’s your teammate, coworker, or employee who says ‘Roger that’ positively, you could try some replies that match the energies.

This is to express your closeness within a team or group. 

Because they have used the formal approach, you could try these creative but professional replies back. 

How To Respond To Roger That

1. “I really have high hopes for you, Captain.” 

Your coworker has already received your mail.

They acknowledge the message you shared by saying ‘Roger that’. 

And this response also responds like an army commander, expressing your trust in their abilities.

2. “I want the urgent report on it, Sargent!” 

When your employee says ‘roger that’, this response is to share as their boss. 

It is to let them know this is an important matter. 

And, it needs to be reported urgently.

READ NEXT: How To Reply To ‘See You Soon’ Formally?

3. “Don’t let me fail at it. I want a success, not any less!”

You as a team leader have some assignments, and some operations for your team.

After getting their energetic response like ‘Roger that’, you inform them that you aim for a great win. 

4. “And, our deadline is the end of the day, TODAY.” 

You shared the mission with your teammates and they all agreed to it. 

Further, you inform them about the deadline.

That you want them to get it done before the end of this day. 

5. “I want you to act on it as soon as you can.” 

This is a serious matter and you want your teammate or coworker to work on it ASAP

A formal response to ‘Roger’ to make them aware of the urgency. 

6. “We can and we will do it. Now, let’s make it happen.” 

Say it like a lieutenant who prepares their teams to take up a new challenge. 

A response like this will make your team feel inspired. 

Also, shows that you also know how to connect with them. 

Formal Reply To Roger That

7. “Let’s go for another victory, Commander.” 

It seems that your employees or teammates are in a positive mood after a few successes in the mission. 

So to keep them inspired, this is a good reply to share after ‘Roger that’. 

8. “Again, this is an important mission, so don’t take it lightly.” 

You want your soldiers, and your team players to be all in for this important mission. 

There’s no way you afford to miss the target.

You want them to participate and contribute to the big win again. 

9. “Do what you do the best, Captain.” 

As a boss or manager, you share some responsibility with your team leader. 

It’s an urgent matter and you know you have the right person to do it.

10. “I’m here to back you up. Let me know when you need me anytime.” 

You believe that simply giving orders isn’t your role. 

But you also have a responsibility to give support to the team to do their job. 

So, this is a polite response to show that they can reach out to you when you need any assistance in achieving the target you gave. 

11. “Over and out.” 

What they need to know and what you have to say, that’s all covered in the meeting or message.

Next, you want them to start doing the job thereafter.  

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What Does “Roger That” Mean?

The word “roger that” works as an acknowledgment of the order, message, or inquiry. 

Well, the word is mainly used in the military, but it is also common to use in the formal as well as in the informal situation. 

If someone says ‘Roger that’ in response to your request, order, or proposal, it shows they got your message and they are following what you expect from them. 

What Does Roger That Mean

So, you could say it’s the other way to say ‘Noted that’ or ‘Following that’. 

When your colleagues or teammates use this phrase, they express that they taking your words and suggestions into consideration. 

In return you could try responding with the shared responses above, to show respect and support. 


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