18 Formal Ways To Say “Thank You For Keeping Me Posted”

  • February 16, 2024

Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Ketan

In formal correspondence, acknowledging and thanking for the update is expected. 

The phrase ‘Thank you for keeping me posted’ is what you normally use.

But, as most professionals are using the same, it sounds regular reply (so, not genuine). 

You know that well.

So, you wish to say something different (or relevant) that suits your situation, Right?

Well, here we share some of the best examples for expressing your appreciation as well as thanking someone for keeping you updated on formal matters. 

If that is for your client or colleague, you can select the appropriate response as per the recipients. 


How To Say “Thank You For Keeping Me Posted”?

You should let them know that you appreciate their update or information through email. 

This phrase indeed keeps the connection formal, for sure. 

But it can’t fit every situation. 

You need some alternative ways to say ‘Thanks for keeping me informed’ based on whom it’s for. 

Also, if you habitually use this same phase over again and next time share something different.

We’ve some good suggestions for you here. 

How To Say Thank You For Keeping Me Posted

1. “Thank you so much for your timely response.” 

Let them know how much their timely reply is important to you. 

2. “Noted that. We’re working on the same.” 

Well, saying ‘noted’ professionally is sometimes enough to inform them about the mail receipt.

It also means you follow their instruction or the information it passes. 

3. “That’s a great suggestion. We should work on this part.” 

When your teammate or employee shares some reports or helpful notes, appreciate them. 

4. “Thanks for letting me know, it’s a really important point.” 

Instead of just thanking or acknowledging them for the update, you can respond this way. 

5. “Thank you for being with us and guiding us through the process.”  

It was a status update mail from a service department or customer support, regarding the issue you face.

In response to such feedback, you thank them for doing their job right. 

6. “Your timely response is truly appreciated. Thank you so much.” 

While taking follow up with your client, inform them that you acknowledge their proper feedback at the right time. 

7. “Such an important detail this is! I’m very much impressed.” 

Your employee has updated you about the crucial points from the reports. 

This update helps you in many ways.

So it’s better to thank them for it. 

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8. “That is great news, let us make it an official announcement.” 

This is the update from your employee regarding the big deal they closed recently. 

You might be responding to it over the mail. 

But, publicly praising them in front of the team or company, certainly makes it a respectful gesture. 

9. “Stay in touch. I will try my best to respond to you as soon as possible.”

 This is the ongoing response, and you feel that simply saying ‘thank you for keeping me posted’ isn’t enough. 

Either for a client or internal communication, this response shows you’re handling their case and you will reply soon as you can

10. “I cannot thank you enough for your great support like this.” 

Being a client, you get the right guidance and require assistance from company staff. 

Indeed, it is their job to serve you. 

But it costs nothing when you say some words of appreciation for valuable guidance. 

11. “Let me know if you need any help from me.”

You are replying with this one to your client who shares the info you asked for. 

Before you start their services, you want to inform them that they can contact you anytime in case of need.

12. “Thanks for drawing my attention to this matter.” 

Being a business owner or boss, you can’t manage all things on your own. 

That’s what separate departments and managers are for. 

When you get an update on some matter a particular matter, that manager deserves appreciation. 

13. “I have been looking for feedback from you. Thanks for that.”

It may take some time to get an update from your client. 

Maybe they haven’t got time to check your mail and respond. 

But when they finally replied, just appreciated them updating you on something. 

14. I am very happy with your prompt response.

For the immediate response to your complaint or service mail, thank them is a polite move.

Whether you get the solution or suggestion, you feel relaxed as you get the feedback on time. 

15. “I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me about it.”

Due to handling so many tasks in business, you may miss some of them. 

But, your employees are there to remind you of such a case. 

With this response, you thank them as well as appreciate them for handling such a matter. 

16. “I hope to get a timely response like every time. Thanks.” 

Not sure, if this employee developed a habit of replying late to every mail or if they just have so many things to do at the time.

But, sometimes, you also need an update urgently.

So, make it clear to that colleague or employee that you do not just want an update but it has to be on time from then on. 

17. “Thanks for your valuable feedback. I truly appreciate it.” 

A client who doesn’t let you wait for their feedback are the rare ones. 

If you come across that nice client, make sure they feel respected for the timely update they provide.

18. “So glad that you have provided the detailed report. Thanks.” 

Simply saying ‘Thanks for keeping me informed’ does not always sound perfect. 

If you get a well-created report from your teammates or employees, tell them you love their presentation skills or the efforts they put in. 

It makes every piece of information clear and easy to work on. 

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What’s The Meaning Of “Thank You For Keeping Me Posted/Informed”?

When you get a mail regarding information, feedback, or support, you want to acknowledge it formally. 

This is indeed the confirmation of the message or mail they sent you. 

Your response like ‘Thank you for keeping me informed’ is a way to appreciate them and also thank them for their feedback.

It’s a way of acknowledging a person about updates, they sent to you through mail or message.

What’s The Meaning Of Thank You For Keeping Me Informed

But sometimes, you just want different alternatives to this phrase while updating someone. 

Because it’s not perfect for every case. 

When you want to say something other than ‘Thanks for keeping me informed’, the shared examples are to use. 

You can select the one considering who you’re connecting with.


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