12 Better Responses To “You’re Too Good For Me” (With Meaning)

Last Updated on January 30, 2024 by Ketan

When a man or woman you date, says, ‘You’re too good for me’, this could be a sweet compliment or a polite excuse.

Based on your connection, you may know what they actually mean by it.

But, the confusion is how to respond to it well. 

That’s not a problem anymore. 

Here in this post, we are sharing some better responses to give when he or she tells you that you’re too good for them. 


How To Respond To “You’re Too Good For Me”?

Generally, you get to hear this from someone who knows you well. 

Maybe it is your dating partner or crush you’ve been together for a while who could tell you so.  

When it comes to replying to it, you should always consider the context of saying this to you. 

Maybe they are complimenting you for your nice nature.

How To Respond To You’re Too Good For Me

It’s their way to show that they’re lucky to have you. 

In other cases, your crush rejects you politely without making you feel bad about yourself.

So, indeed this is an excuse. 

When you know what they mean (or not), we have prepared some responses to ‘You’re too good for me’ that cover the possible scenarios. 

1. “I’m not sure If I should take it as a compliment or an excuse.”

When you’re so confused, you can just ask so clearly.  

Also, you want to know what they mean. 

2. “No, you don’t know me yet. I’m not good either.” 

So, you admit that you’re not as good as they said you are. 

This could be a funny but risky response to your crush or new date. 

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3. “Don’t think that you’re not any less. We’re equally good.” 

Your partner has a low esteem issue. 

And he or she often says you’re so good but they are. 

This response is to cheer them up and make them feel good about themselves. 

4. “Yeah, I also think I deserve better.”

When a man you’ve been dating for a while says, ‘You’re too good for me’, this is how you respond. 

This way you show that you’re confident and aware that you deserve someone better

5. “Of course, I know that. And, that’s worrisome to me, as well.” 

You are clearly aware that it’s only you who gives too much in this relationship. 

Being treated like a nice guy, you reply honestly to a girl.

6. “Yeah, I never liked this before. I got your influence.” 

When you do something really special for your woman and she says ‘You’re too good for me’, this is a sweet compliment.

Take it respectfully.  

With this response, you’re giving credit to her, for making you this good. 

Cute Response To You’re Too Good For Me

7. “You could give any other better reason or excuse to break up.”

It’s fine if he no longer wants to have a relationship with you. 

You’re not forcing him for anything. 

When a man gives you such a silly excuse to break up with you, you respond sarcastically. 

Because you’ve been being too good for him. 

8. “I’m really glad that you finally understand my worth.” 

Finally, she admits that she’s not doing anything like you.

Or, maybe she feels ashamed of how she has been fooling you.  

So, you share this relaxing reply like you appreciate her saying this. 

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9. “So, you can’t be good like me, right?”  

When someone uses ‘You’re too good for me’ as an excuse, they attempt to break up with you. 

They could be good like you, but they don’t seem to be interested in trying. 

So you give this clear answer to inform you that there’s still an option. 

Clever Response To You’re Too Good For Me

10. “Sorry but I can’t treat you like how your ex-boyfriend treated you.”  

Because you’re not like him or another guy who treats her like nothing. 

You’re too good, it’s just she doesn’t feel like she deserves you. 

11. “Thanks, I just love to do anything to make you smile.” 

When your girlfriend compliments you for being so good to her, tell her that you like doing such things. 

You love her and will do anything to make her smile.

12. “So, you mean to say that you’re a bad person, Right?” 

This is the most direct and clever reply you can give to someone who rejects your proposal. 

It’s their lame excuse like ‘I can’t be with you because you’re too good’. 

But you know what they mean by it. 

You just want them to admit it, that’s all. 

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What Does It Mean When Someone Says “You’re Too Good For Me”?

Well, you could be ‘Too good for someone’ for two reasons: either you need them or it’s the way you’re. 

Same, when someone says to you that ‘You’re too good for me’, that means you are so good that they think they don’t deserve you, or they like you but don’t love you anymore

Consider the situation, when a man or woman informs you that. 

What Does It Mean When Someone Says You’re Too Good For Me

It’s a sweet compliment, but also a polite excuse to reject your proposal. 

Take it as a compliment, when you do something unconditionally and he/she catches you doing so. 

They’re happy to be with someone like you. 

But, it’s an excuse, when you hear it after proposing to someone or expressing your interest to take the next step in your connection. 

They could have other reasons to reject you, but they want to be nice to you. 

It’s fine, you don’t have to change yourself, it’s just them who don’t see your value.

Or, maybe they understand you well and think that they don’t deserve someone good like you. 


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