36 (Sarcastic &) Funny Responses To Late Replies In Texting

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Ketan

The most annoying part in chatting is those ‘late replies’. 

So true!

No matter how excited you are to chat or how cute that person is- But, when someone replies late to your text… You obviously feel annoyed, ignored, or rejected.

Or, maybe all at once.

Even if they don’t mean to ghost you, it feels like they do.

Whether it’s your online friend, match, or bestie who has such habits, here are the savage, sarcastic, and funny responses to late messages to share next time.


How To Respond To A Late Reply Over Text?

When a guy or girl says sorry for a late reply but keeps doing it still, you want just perfect comebacks. 

These are funny and sarcastic replies to show how their late replies affect your mood. 

how to reply when someone replies late

1. “Alright. I’m glad to know that you’re alive.” 

This one could be a funny or cute response to sorry for a late reply, based on how they take it. 

When you’re mad, but don’t want to ruin your impression.

So, this is a nice way to reply to your crush or match. 

2. “Yeah, you’re three years late. Check where I’ve sent it to you.”

You are excited to talk about it, but it takes them three hours (or days) to respond to your message. 

And, this response shows just how long you have been waiting for their replies. 

3. “I’m married and have two kids now. Thanks for your replies.” 

This one is a great response to late messages on dating sites. 

When your match often texts you after a day or longer, you can share this one to make your match laugh or at least to take you seriously from now on. 

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4. “No problem. In the meantime, I’ve completed my graduation.” 

funny responses to late reply messages, When he replies late to your text

You weren’t there waiting for their responses, you also did something important. 

It’s just a funny reply to late texts, letting them know you’re busy in life, too. 

5. “Please don’t tell me that you’re still using Internet Explorer.”

Sometimes, even an Internet Explorer works faster than the person you’re trying to text. 

This is a simply hilarious way to let them know how slow they text back. 

6. “I knew, as a habit you would reply late, so I sent it early.” 

Just a friendly response you can send to your crush or friend who always replies late.

It’s just the better comeback to late responders. 

7. “I think you’re going to write a whole article for me.” 

Maybe they’re too. Even after two days, you just get ‘Okay’.

This response is the perfect fit for the late replies. 

Plus, you can also use it as powerful but also for the comebacks for dry texters.

8. “Hey, are you there? May god bless your soul.”

It’s like you lose hope and are convinced that you’ll never get to hear from this person.

They’re not replying to your messages or either update you anyway.

So, finally, you can reply back in a comic sense.

But, you’re ready to move on.

9. “You know those who reply late actually age faster.” 

Indeed, this is one of the sarcastic responses you can give to your crush, when they’re attractive or hot.

If they take it seriously, you might expect a faster response next time. 

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10. “Such the fastest response I have ever gotten from you.”

sarcastic responses to late replies

You’re really frustrated at how they can reply so late to your amazing text.

You share it as sarcasm but that person might take it personally, WATCH OUT.

11. “Even tortoises would respond faster than you.”

One of the fun replies to late messages when you don’t usually get a quick response from this person.

Share this with your friend who is that slow.

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12. “Your universe is a bit slower than ours.”

No one in our universe is so slow as this person.

That means they’re from another one.

You can teach how to be communicative and respond to text faster.

13. “Are you replying here or via postcard?”

It is just a follow-up message you can share to know whether that person is following the same communication mode or trying another medium to reply to you. 

They may have sent the pigeon, too. 

14. “Please slow down, I’m not able to read your texts so fast.”

You can share this savage response to late replies when your crush is really slow in responding.

It’s just for joking, you’re teasing them about their slow texting habits

15. “Hello. Is anybody there?”

You confirm if the person is available there.

Because they just send you responses.

And, before you text them back, you want to check if that person is there. 

If they’re available to chat, you can continue your text, without having to wait again. 

16. “So, you left Earth? Reply back, when you’re here again.” 

No call. No internet. No connection. Is this person now on Jupiter? 

Maybe this person went to another planet, for sure.

So, with this clever response, you want them to text back when they land on Earth. 

17. “I’m a patient person. But you’re challenging me.” 

Waiting for someone has not been that hard for you.

Especially if your match is really cuter, but they reply late all the time, mostly late at night.

And that, you’re losing patience.

You are just letting her know about it. 

18. “Hello, See you next week. Bye.”

Savage replies for late texts

You sent one text ‘Hey’ text to your match and she replied after a week.

So, you respond to their texts and inform them you will meet next week. Because you know that’s how they text. 

19. “I get the promotion faster than your responses.”

Truly funny responses to late replies when it’s your crush or someone online.

Everyone knows promotions take a long time to come.

The same way this person replies to your texts. 

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20. “If you don’t understand anything from my text, you can tell.” 

You simply tell them they don’t have to be ashamed if they don’t know how to respond or text.

With these sarcastic responses, you tell them to help them how to reply faster, not late anymore. 

21. “Feeling like I’m waiting too long and now I’m a waiter for you.”

what to say to someone who replies late, When she replies late to your text

Such a good response to late replies of your match and someone you met online.

You can share this with one you really want to bring on a date.

But, their late texting habits prevent this. 

22. “So impressed with your responses, you’re always on time.”

You’re not fine with getting such late responses. But, you are naturally cool.

Here, you want them to notice the taunt and hope they text you faster onwards. 

23. “Have you got my last message?”

Oh yes… you also have to confirm if they even got your first text.

Don’t overthink, maybe you simply forgot to send them but waiting for their responses, anyway.

READ NEXT: Best Replies To ‘Long Time No See’

24. “I know you’re busy but I’m too.” 

Everyone is busy. Not only that person but also you, too.

If your match takes a day to respond to you, this isn’t working fine.

But, making time for each other is key, to making the connection happen.

Let them know about it. 

25. “How’s your hand fracture? Are they fine now?” 

Overall, this is a savage and funny reply to late messages from your friend or crush, when they take over a week to text you back. 

26. “Seems like you didn’t get the first message. I’m sending you again.” 

You not only get late responses but something that’s out of topic.

In such cases, this one is a good reply to remind them what were you two texting about. 

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27. “I’m getting older. Can you just reply fast, Please?” 

The perfect comeback to late replies on dating sites.

You both are matched and excited to know each other.

But their habit of leaving messages on read and reply late makes the process lengthy. 

28. “I didn’t expect that from you? Or did I?” 

You’re not sure whether this person is truly a dry texter or not.

They not only reply slowly but also do not engage in conversation enough.

In this case, this is one way to respond to late texts.

29. “Hey, you actually forgot to reply to my first text.”

After two days when she replies to you, she just started a new topic.

While you’re still waiting for her response to the first message. 

READ NEXT: Sarcastic Responses To ‘Do I Know You?’

30. “So, you haven’t touched your phone for the last two days?”

Not the right one to share with a crush or match.

It might hurt them.

But, this one could be a savage comeback to late replies for your friend. 

Seems like they’re preparing for exams or trying to break their phone addiction. 

31. “Your late replies actually made me forget what I was saying.” 

what to reply when friend replies late to your messages

It happens most of the time, when we get late replies, we actually forget what we shared or texted about. 

32. “Well, you go live on Instagram every day, but don’t have time to read my messages?”

You certainly don’t want to look controlling to your crush or match.

But there you see that that guy or girl comes online, use social media, and even checks your message…but still has no time to respond to it.

That’s really strange. 

33. “I’m dead now. You replied too late. It’s my ghost texting you back.”

Overall, you two have great chemistry.

Also, they are aware that you’re crazy by nature.

When it’s your match or crush, you let them know what happened when you take forever to reply to someone. 

This is a perfect comeback to late replies, showing that life is short and replying to text is more important than ever. 

34. “Do you have any sense of time?”

This could be about a late response.

Or when someone texts you late at night.

But this savage response shows that you’re mad at them for texting you this late.

35. “Next when you text me, just call me.”

Well, you have no idea when you get to hear from this friend.

So you tell them to give you a call when they reply to your text.

A sarcastic response to tell them that you’re not there to wait for their message.

36. “Hey, I love everything about you. Just one thing, and you know that.”

They already know what it is.

You’re not being mad at them.

But because you like (or love) this person, you still be patient to wait for his/her response.

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No matter for what reason that person takes a long to respond, it’s extremely irritating. 

If you’re seriously into someone, getting slow replies is truly heartbreaking. 

You can make the responses to late replies that sound cute, savage, or funny.

That’s your choice.

But, letting this person know… How their slow text (habit) hurt your feelings is the right thing to do.

This way you’ll know why they do so. Also, Are they still interested in texting you?


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